Heather Mills McCartney vs. Naomi Campbell

Heather Mills McCartney, Paul’s latest wife, ripped model Naomi Campbell for wearing fur. But in trying to highlight Campbell’s alleged depravity, McCartney simply revealed her own.

On an ITV television program, McCartney said of Campbell,

It would be a bit like me saying no more landmines, no more landmines, adn then doing a contract with a landmine company to promote a new landmine, that’s how superficial, shallow and hypocritical it is, as well as harming millions of animals.

But, of course, that is precisely what McCartney has done with her new association with PETA. She’s gone from saying “no more landmines, no more landmines” to hooking up with an organization whose members openly admire serial killers and support arson and other violent actions as legitimate tactics for their movement.

Then again, Linda McCartney supported PETA’s campaign against medical research while benefiting from the fruits of said research, so apparently an overarching hypocrisy is simply a prerequisite for wives of the former Beatle.

McCartney also claimed that Campbell has refused to meet with her, but a spokesman for Campbell issued a written statement saying,

Ms. Campbell has not been contacted by Heather Mills McCartney, is surprised by her remarks and declines to comment further.


McCartney’s wife flays model fur fan. Agence France-Presse, October 9, 2005.

They Would Rather Wear Fur Than Go Naked

In the early 1990s, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, and other models began appearing in advertisements for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals proclaiming that “I’d Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur.”

Crawford is not walking around naked yet, but she was spotted at a Milan fashion show wearing a knee-length fur coat designed by Roberto Cavalli. After the show, Crawford was quoted as saying, “That was really fun. It’s like being a little girl playing dressing up.”

On the other hand, the explanation from Crawford’s publicist suggest that Crawford is either stupid or dishonest or (probably) both. Crawford spokeswoman Annett Wolf actually told the press that Crawford never really believed in PETA’s fur campaign but did it simply as a favor for a designer friend. “A long time ago, Cindy did a favor for Todd Oldham. Todd had designed a fake fur hat and she modelled it,” Wolf said.

Wolf implies that PETA simply used the picture in its ads but Crawford never endorse their point of view which is the sort of explanation that might work with Crawford’s sycophantic hangers-on but makes no sense at all. A more likely explanation is that being anti-fur was the super model trend in the 1990s, whereas fur itself seems to be the trendy thing to do now.

Naomi Campbell, who also appeared in those ads but broke with PETA soon after, also showed up at the show wearing a fur-trimmed jacket designed by Dolce and Gabbana.

Schiffer was not at the show, but she modeled a fur coat in a December 2001 fashion show.


What a difference eight years makes. The Advertiser, March 6, 2002.

Catwalk hypocrisy. Miranda Fettes, The Scotsman, March 6, 2002.

PETA spokesman admires serial killer

Several years ago People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals created an enormous controversy with newspaper advertisements comparing meat eaters to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Today, however, PETA seems ready to claim a more recent serial killer as one of its own.

In the December/January issue of Genre, PETA’s point man in the war against fur, Dan Mathews, is featured as one of the “100 Men We Love of the Century.” At the end of its profile of Mathews, the activist lists a serial killer
as one of his favorite men of the century:

When asked who is among the most important men he loves of the century, he replied, “Andrew Cunanan, because he got Versace to stop doing fur.”

When the New York Daily News contacted Mathews about his
comments, the anti-fur activist was unrepentant, telling columnists Rush
and Molloy,

I would be surprised if the Versace’s are really upset. Have
you ever been to a Versace fashion show? They’re like trashy funerals.

The comments did, however, bring a rebuke from former PETA spokes-model Naomi Campbell who said she was “sickened” when she read Mathews’ comments, saying she was “doubly thrilled to no longer be associated with” PETA.

At least the animal rights movement will continue to features its endless compassion in the next millennium.

(Thanks to the folks at Carnivores United,
http://carnivoresunited.webjump.com, for bringing this story to our attention)


“100 men we love of the century,” Genre Magazine,
December/January 2000