Heather Mills McCartney vs. Naomi Campbell

Heather Mills McCartney, Paul’s latest wife, ripped model Naomi Campbell for wearing fur. But in trying to highlight Campbell’s alleged depravity, McCartney simply revealed her own.

On an ITV television program, McCartney said of Campbell,

It would be a bit like me saying no more landmines, no more landmines, adn then doing a contract with a landmine company to promote a new landmine, that’s how superficial, shallow and hypocritical it is, as well as harming millions of animals.

But, of course, that is precisely what McCartney has done with her new association with PETA. She’s gone from saying “no more landmines, no more landmines” to hooking up with an organization whose members openly admire serial killers and support arson and other violent actions as legitimate tactics for their movement.

Then again, Linda McCartney supported PETA’s campaign against medical research while benefiting from the fruits of said research, so apparently an overarching hypocrisy is simply a prerequisite for wives of the former Beatle.

McCartney also claimed that Campbell has refused to meet with her, but a spokesman for Campbell issued a written statement saying,

Ms. Campbell has not been contacted by Heather Mills McCartney, is surprised by her remarks and declines to comment further.


McCartney’s wife flays model fur fan. Agence France-Presse, October 9, 2005.

Heather Mills McCartney: Vegetarian Diet Cures Cancer!

In March, Heather Mills McCartney wrote an article in which she claimed that her vegetarian diet stopped an infection she received after having her leg amputated following a motorcycle accident and cured her cancer. McCartney did not speculate on whether or not vegetarianism can also make the crippled walk and the blind see.

Writing in the London Evening Standard, McCartney claims,

As I watched more and more of my leg disappear [from infection] I decided to discharge myself from hospital. . . A girlfriend of mine had breast cancer. Although not scientifically proven, she believed she went into remission after following a vegetarian program at America’s Hippocrates centre in West Palm Beach, Florida.

In desperation, I went to the States. The moment I arrived they took me off all my medication . . . Just 10 days of a strict vegetarian diet, wheatgrass juice and placing garlic poultices on my wound (Owwww!) and I was healed — as were scores of people around me, from addicts to cancer sufferers and non-insulin dependent diabetics.

Presumably, if she’d have just drank enough wheatgrass juice and garlic rather than relying on those toxic medications which she campaigned against, Linda McCartney could have cured her breast cancer and would be with us still.

Anyway, as the National Council Against Health Fraud puts it, though in slightly different terms, the whole wheatgrass-as-cure nonsense was started by a raw food nutcase named Ann Wigmore. Wigmore believed wheatgrass and raw foods were a Biblically ordained treatment,

The notion that wheatgrass can benefit serious disease sufferers was conceived by Ann Wigmore, a Boston area resident. Wigmore (1909-94) was born in Lithuania and raised by her grandmother who, according to Wigmore, gave her an unwavering confidence in the healing power of nature. Wigmore believed in astrology, and described herself (a Pisces) as a dreamer who saw life from the spiritual viewpoint to the neglect of the physical. Wigmore’s theory on the healing power of grasses was predicated upon the Biblical story of Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar who spent seven insane years living like a wild animal eating the grass of the fields. Because he recovered, Wigmore presumed that the grasses had cured his insanity. [The Bible says that a prescribed seven years of insanity was visited upon the King as Divine punishment for his arrogance. (Dan 4:31-7)]

The common observation that dogs and cats nibble on grass, presumably when they feel ill, also strengthened Wigmore’s belief in the healing power of grasses [1]. Wigmore theorized that rotting food in the intestine forms toxins that circulate in the bloodstream (aka, the intestinal toxicity theory) and cause cancer [2]. She taught that the life span of the wheatgrass juice was less than three hours, so it had to be cut from growing plants, juiced and consumed fresh. She speculated that the enzymes found in raw wheatgrass were alive and could “detoxify” the body by oral ingestion and by enemas. Wheatgrass is prepared by sprouting wheat berries and growing them until they form chlorophyll. It was the chlorophyll in wheatgrass that enthused Wigmore. She called chlorophyll “the life blood of the planet.” Wigmore believed that cooking foods “killed” them because this deactivates enzymes. She held that the moment the “sacred” 7.4 acid-alkaline balance (the same as human blood) is “killed” that its effectiveness would be reduced [3]. (For information on exaggerations about the similarities between hemoglobin and chlorophyll see NCAHF’s statement on chlorophyll.)

In the 1980s, Wigmore took to claiming that her “enzyme soup” could cure AIDS and rendered childhood immunization necessary, which led to her unsuccessful prosecution for fraud by the state of Massachusetts. A judge ultimately ruled that Wigmore’s claims that AIDS could be cured through her methods were protected by the First Amendment. She was ordered, however, to stop fraudulently claiming that she was an accredited physician.

The Hippocrates Life Change Center bases its “treatment” regimen on Wigmore’s nutty views. Like Wigmore, the HLCC emphasizes the wonders that are supposed to be accomplished from enzymes. What they can’t get into their brains is that the enzymes from food are quickly broken down into amino acids by the digestive system and as such don’t play much of a role at all in affecting human health for good or ill.

Moreover, as the NCAHF’s William Jarvis notes that it is surprising that wheatgrass fanatics fail to note that “grass-eating animals are not spared from cancer, despite their large intake of fresh chlorophyll,” and, course, since chlorophyll isn’t absorbed by the human body, it does even less for humans.

Of course, who are you going to believe — some evil animal torturing scientists or some nutcase who fraudulently passes herself off as a physician while claiming that raw foods can cure AIDS?


Heather: Vegetarian diet saved me from cancer. Daily Mail, March 23, 2005.

Wheatgrass Therapy. William Jarvis, 1998.

Heather Mills McCartney — Here We Go Again

Regular readers might remember that Paul McCartney’s wife, Linda, actively campaigned for animal rights only to turn to animal tested and approved treatments for the breast cancer that ultimately claimed her life. McCartney’s new wife, Heather Mills McCartney, also describes herself as an animal rights activists except when it is inconvenient to her pet projects.

Heather Mills McCartney recently appeared at the University of California Irvine to talk about the horrors of landmines. The student newspaper at UCI, New University, carried the following account of McCartney’s presentation,

Another audience member expressed concern for the welfare of the dogs that were used to sniff for plastic bombs. She answered that even though she was an animal-rights activist herself, after researching the matter she found out that landmines kill 47,000 animals, and that only four detection dogs have been killed in the process of sniffing out potential hazards. After weighing the numbers, she concluded that it was a necessary sacrifice in order to save the lives of many others.

That is just a fascinating comment on so many levels. First, of course, Heather apparently gets to make these sort of judgments while lending her name and image to groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals which argues that no one has the right to make these sorts of judgments.

Second, Heather has quickly fallen into the animal rights ideology of ignoring the human suffering that is alleviated through animal use. She could have responded that each year thousands of people — 30 to 40 percent children — are killed by landmines around the world, making the small number of deaths of dogs more than acceptable. But, of course, she didn’t. Instead she fell back on the claim that thousands of animals are also killed by landmines which makes it okay to use other animals to sniff them out. If animals weren’t killed regularly by landmines, would this render using dogs ethically questionable?

Finally, Heather has adopted another animal rights characteristic — she is grossly inaccurate. For someone who is famous in part for her anti-landmine efforts, you’d think she would know better than to make the ridiculous claim that only 4 dogs have been killed in anti-landmine efforts. The number is, in fact, much higher. This article from Institute for War and Peace Reporting notes that in Afghanistan alone, 7 dogs were killed in landmine clearing operations between 1989-2002.


McCartney Honored for Humanitarian Work. New University (UC Irvine), Irene Wang, May 3, 2004.

Sniffing out landmine danger. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Danish Karokhel, December 20, 2002.