In a just universe this would be a real product rather than just an entry in a design portfolio,
However, there is a rock, paper, scissors dice game that was created to study RPS outcomes in game theory.
Just another nerd.
In a just universe this would be a real product rather than just an entry in a design portfolio,
However, there is a rock, paper, scissors dice game that was created to study RPS outcomes in game theory.
Found this nice 6″ diameter foam D20 at several places. Paizo’s got it for $8.99. According to the Paizo product page, this is a very dense foam so the D20 can actually be rolled . . . or, alternately, thrown at unruly players.
Was weeding out my collection of magazines the other day, and ran across an ad in an early 1980s issue of Dragon for the Zoccihedron — a 100-side die that’s really just a ball that randomly (or not) displays a number between 1 and 100. And, of course they’re still making the things.
This is a picture of the presumaby much-improved Zocchihedron II. Nice.
Sadly, this Call of Cthulhu dice set from Q-Workshop has been sold out for awhile, and it doesn’t look like they’re going to be doing any more. These do occasionally show up on E-Bay, however.
. . . is, of course, this polyhedral dice roller that the bloggers at Infinite Lives discovered.