To update Ubuntu from the command line:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Just another nerd.
To update Ubuntu from the command line:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
It’s nice that some user’s 14 year old swipe at Ubuntu users is still the top definition on Urban Dictionary.
An article from the Electronic Frontier Foundation from back in November 2012 notes that Canonical has begun incorporating easy-to-install full disk encryption beginning with Ubuntu 12.10.
When you install Ubuntu, now there’s a checkbox to “Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security.” Users who are new to GNU/Linux and just making the switch can easily have the same level of security against physical-access attacks as seasoned nerds.
I have gotten so fed up with Windows that I’ve gradually been moving pretty much every computer I have to use over to Ubuntu. Super Ubuntu is Ubuntu plus a whole bunch of helpful stuff that helps save time getting everything up and running on a new install.
Super Ubuntu is just Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), but it also includes:
- System and application updates: all updates released for Ubuntu + GIMP 2.6.3 + 3 + Firefox 3.0.4
- Better Multimedia Support: MPlayer and VLC, DVD-playback, MP3 support and other multimedia codecs
- Better Internet experience: aMSN, aMule, Adobe Flash player and Opera
- Support for portable applications/other installation methods: Autopackage, SFS Technology, Smart Package Manager, Wine and Zero Install
- Support for: Java RE, Microsoft Office 2007 file formats, others…
- Graphical interfaces/managers: compizconfig-settings-manager (Compiz), Gufw (Uncomplicated firewall), ndisgtk (NDISwrapper) and padevchooser (PulseAudio)
- Utilities: Adobe Reader, EnvyNG, Furius ISO Mount, GParted, NDISwrapper, Ubuntu Tweak and StartUp-Manager
- Extra repositories
A couple months ago, I switched my main computer from Windows XP to Ubuntu. Ubuntu Unleashed has been a very helpful resource in making the transition.