The New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance sent out an appeal for funds in late December to aid five activists set to go on trial in late January.
According to the appeal,
Back in July, five activists were arrested at a silent, peaceful protest against Seaboard Securities, a market maker which allows Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) to trade its stocks. The activists were simply displaying their disapproval of Seaboard’s complicity in the murders of 500 animals a day at HLS — a lab which conducts cruel procedures on animals in the name of “science.” . . .
These false arrests have proven to be a financial hardship for two of the activists — one an NJARA member and employee — who have retained a lawyer to help fight the false allegations and defend their right to free speech for the animals.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find much information about the original arrests or the pending trial (even the NJARA’s website has no mention of it), so anyone who can point me to additional information on this case would be greatly appreciated.
Defend your right to speak up for the animals! New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, Press Release, December 30, 2004.