Judge Denies Request to Revoke Kevin Kjonaas' Bail

In early September federal prosecutors filed a motion to revoke Kevin Kjonaas’ bail. Kjonaas was charged earlier this year with federal stalking and conspiracy to commit stalking charges. He and others were granted bail on the condition they refrain from “disseminating any personal or private information about company employees and their families, and from threatening or inducing others to threaten anyone.”

Federal prosecutors claimed that a violent protest at the home of a Chiron employee was coordinated by Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, and that Kjonaas ” as the president of SHAC — is responsible for its activities.”

But on September 15, 2004, U.S. District Judge Mary Cooper ruled that there was no proof that Kjonaas was responsible for the protest and that he could remain free on bail.

The New Jersey Star Ledger reported that federal prosecutors indicated that they plan to ask Judge Cooper to impose restrictions on SHAC itself and also plan to add federal harassment charges against Kjonaas and three other defendants.


Animal activist stays free on bail despite accusations of violence. Jonathan Schuppe, New Jersey Star-Ledger, September 16, 2004.

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