Why Linux Still Isn’t for Normal People

When I bought a new laptop recently, the first thing I did was reformat the hard drive and install Linux Mint. Compared to the fail that Windows 8 is, Linux Mint has been delightful to use. But there are still occasionally bizarre barriers that prevent me from recommending that my wife or other people I know give it a try.

For example, this week I wanted to access my Google Drive account on my laptop, and after a bit of searching SyncDrive seemed like the best solution. Except after following the instructions for installation on the SyncDrive website, I kept getting an error message that the software couldn’t run because a “file or directory doesn’t exist.”

A quick Google search found others who ran into the same problem and a possible solution.

The problem is that syncdrive tries to access an update file at pear-news.fr which has now moved to syncdrive.fr. Fortunately this is easy to overcome.
Use a hex editor such as Bless (available in Software Manager) as root and open the file /usr/bin/syncdrive. Then replace pear-news.fr by syncdrive.fr in 3 places and save.
Syncdrive should then run correctly.

Okay, yes, I know how to do that (and was able to get SyncDrive to work), but I can just imagine telling my wife or co-worker, “see, all you need to do is grab a hex editor and do a search and replace . . .” Um, no. Not going to happen.


WP-Inject WordPress Plugin

wordpress photoWP-Inject is a WordPress plugin designed to make it easier to find Creative Commons licensed images into blog posts.

… the plugin adds an easy to use search metabox to your WordPress editor (“Add New” post screens). Simply enter any keyword to find great photos for your post.

Advanced users can head to the WP Inject settings page and fine tune the plugin. A lot of different options let you control most aspects of how WP Inject finds and inserts images into your posts. By editing the templates you can control exactly how the photos and automatic attribution will look on your blog!

NECA’s Classic Planet of the Apes Action Figures

Nice to see that the classic Planet of the Apes movies are still getting some action figure love thanks to NECA. Beginning in July 2014, NECA will be releasing several waves of 7-inch Apes action figures, starting with Wave 1’s Dr. Zaius, Cornelius, and Gorilla Soldier.

Classic Planet of the Apes Action Figures

Full Transcript of Edward Snowden’s Appearance at SXSW

Courtesy of Inside.com

Ben Wizner:    Okay. I think we’ll get started. There wasn’t a lot of applause when we came on stage. I guess you are here to see somebody else. My name is Ben Wizner I’m joined by my colleague Chris Soghoian from the ACLU. And maybe we can bring up on screen the main attraction.

Edward Snowden:    Hello.

Continue reading “Full Transcript of Edward Snowden’s Appearance at SXSW”

Canada’s Porn Problem

Canada apparently has a porn problem — not enough of its porn is, well, Canadian,

Wednesday, the CRTC [Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission] issued a broadcast notice saying AOV Adult Movie Channel, XXX Action Clips and the gay-oriented Maleflixxx were all failing to reach the required 35% threshold for Canadian content.

Based on a 24-hour broadcast schedule, that translates to about 8.5 hours of Canadian erotica a day.

Thank goodness someone is watching out for Canadian porn stars.

Truth Does Not Change . . . Even If the Quote Isn’t Real

The new version of Cosmos featuring Neil de Grasse Tyson debuted Sunday night. I did not watch it, but apparently it repeated the claim that Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for defending the Copernican view of the cosmos. There is still a debate about whether or not this is accurate, but in general it seems that Bruno’s theological views played the major role in his murder by the Inquisition.

Anyway, this morning folks like NBC’s Ann Curry were tweeting quotes from Bruno like this one,

Ann Curry Tweet

The only problem here is that this isn’t a direct quote from Bruno. Rather it is from a biography of Bruno by Coulson Turnbull published in 1913. Turnbull mentions a debate that Bruno had after he had written a thesis containing 120 articles disputing Aristotle. According to Turnbull in Life and teachings of Giordano Bruno, Philosopher, Martyr, Mystic, 1548-1600 (pp.41-42),

The debate took place during Pentecost, May 25, 1588, not at Sorbonne, but in the College of Cambray. In an inspired speech Bruno, through the interpreter, Jean Hennequin, of Paris, declared the discovery of numberless worlds in the One Infinite Universe. Nothing was more deplorable, declared he, than the habit of blind belief, for of all other things it hinders the mind from recognizing such matters as are in themselves clear and open. It was proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority were the majority. Truth does not change because it is or is not believed by a majority of people. However, he cautioned that they should not be influenced by the fervor of his speech, but by the weight of his argument and the majesty of truth.

Turnbull does not give a citation for his summary of the 1588 debate, so it is difficult to know what he is this on. It is clear, however, that here Turnbull is summarizing Bruno’s arguments that day, not quoting him directly.