Munchkin Cthulhu Bookmark of Udder Ridiculousness

Munchkin Cthulhu Bookmark of Udder RidiculousnessI’ve managed to pick up most of the Munchkin bookmarks at various Cons, but I seriously need this Munchkin Cthulhu Bookmark of Udder Ridiculousness for my collection. The rules for this one are hilarious,

  1. You may play this bookmark whenever you are in combat.
  2. Show everyone the bookmark so they are alerted to the ridiculousness to come.
  3. Hand any other player at the table a book from the Cthulhu Mythos, and close your eyes.
  4. The player hands the book back to you. Without opening your eyes, insert this bookmark into the book.
  5. Without opening the book, guess what page number the color side of the bookmark is facing. If your guess is within 25 pages of the bookmark?s actual location, you gain a one-time combat bonus equal to the page number.
  6. Somewhere in here, you should open your eyes again, unless you WANT to play the rest of the game with them closed.
  7. If you actually pulled this nonsense off, and gained the one-time combat bonus, congratulations! You are now a Cultist (if a card is available). If you were already a Cultist, you go up a level! This cannot be the winning level.

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