Animal Rights Extremists Threaten UK Judges and Their Families

In February animal rights extremists posted on a web site the names and addresses of two British judges involved in animal rights cases. And, for good measure, the extremists added the names and addresses of family members of the judges.

Justice Hallet, 54, was targeted because she granted an injunction preventing protesters from harassing Chiron employees, while Justice Owen, 59, has made a series of rulings in favor of Huntingdon Life Sciences and against animal rights activists harassing its employees.

The web site included a veiled threat that the judges are, “not immortal — they do not live in fireproof houses.”

The kicker, though, was Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty spokesman Greg Avery’s take on the threat — according to Avery, the research industry is behind the site,

Somebody involved in the industry has set this up. I don’t believe that it is anything to do with the animal-rights movement.

Right, and when Avery was harassing employees of Huntingdon Life Sciences, he was probably under some hypnotic spell implanted by the industry in order to make the animal rights movement look bad.

Watch out next week when we learn that Brian Cass actually beat himself up in 2001.


Animal activists target judges. Christopher Hope, The Daily Telegraph (London), February 23, 2004.

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