Warner Bros. TV’s Twitter account tweeted this images with this message.
Some masks hide identities. Some masks save lives. If you must go out, be a superhero. Please wear a mask, for your safety and the health of others.

Just another nerd.
Warner Bros. TV’s Twitter account tweeted this images with this message.
Some masks hide identities. Some masks save lives. If you must go out, be a superhero. Please wear a mask, for your safety and the health of others.
Next up in Warner Brothers series of straight-to-DVD animated DC films is Wonder Woman, scheduled for release in February 2009. One of the things I thought the New Frontier movie did very well was its interesting take on Wonder Woman (which I assume it got from the comic, but I haven’t read it so can’t confirm).
I assume this won’t be that dark, but at least it’s something until DC gets its act together and gets going on the live action film again (hint – do whatever it takes to get Joss Whedon back helming the project).