40th Anniversary Spider-Man CDRom — All 500 Issues of The Amazing Spider-Man

Last year I noted how cool the Marvel Comics CDRom was. That package featured the first 10 issues of ten Marvel comic books. Apparently that sold well enough that Marvel is upping the ante ahead of the DVD release of Spider-Man 2 with the The Amazing Spider-Man Fortieth Anniversary Collection.

This time around, the collection will feature Amazing Fantasy #15 plus issues 1-500 of The Amazing Spider-Man on 10 CDs.

The same company that did the Marvel Comics package, Topic Entertainment, is also publishing the Spider-Man set so hopefully it will be as well done as the earlier offering.

The Amazing Spider-Man Fortieth Anniversary Collection will be released in October and retail for $49.99. I can’t wait.

Spider-Man 2 — Oh My God, It’s Full of Toys!

I took the day off work today so I could go see Spider-Man 2. I wanted to see it for a lot of obvious reasons, plus I needed to make sure it wasn’t too scary for my daughter (who has been begging since it came out) to see. She was scared by the tree scene in Harry Potter 3, so I don’t think she’s quite ready for Doc Ock’s mechanical arms on the big screen.

Personally, I thought Spider-Man 2 was every bit as good as the reviews I’ve been reading. Much better than the first film. More human and relationship-focused rather than just “here’s these cool special effects of Spider-Man swinging his way through New York.” Also a lot of funny meta-movie touches including a scene where Toby Maguire makes fun of the pre-production dispute over whether or not he would return as Spider-Man due to hurting his back during “Sea Biscuit.”

But the best thing about Spider-Man 2 is all the kick ass new Spider-Man toys that are out. Best of the lot, IMO — the Ultra Posable 6″ action figure that has like 50,000 points of articulation (okay, I’m exaggerating a bit — it’s more like 42 ). How can you go wrong there for just $6.99? Man, I wish I still had all the Spider-Man toys I had as a kid.

Stan Lee Screwed Out of Spider-Man Profits

Slashdot linked to this article highlighting the Enron-like accounting system used by Hollywood. Stan Lee has a standing agreement with Marvel Entertainment that he is to receive 10 percent of the profits from any television or film venture using characters that he created.

Well, Spider-Man, raked in over $400 million in the United States, but under Hollywood accounting that means it didn’t make any profits at all and so Marvel has told Lee, sorry, but Spider-Man just wasn’t profitable. Lee is suing Marvel for $10 million and hoping he doesn’t get screwed out of profits for The Daredevil, Hulk, and the X-Men sequel.

Speaking of Spider-Man, the other day my wife and I are watching it with my daughter on DVD. During the big crowd fighting scene between Spidey and the Green Goblin, I tell my wife, “hey look, there’s a cameo with Stan Lee.” I rewind it and run it again, at which point she looks at me and asks, “Who’s Stan Lee?”

Men are from Zenn-La, women are from Venus, I guess.


Spider-Man creator sues Marvel. Reuters, Nov. 12, 2002.


Henry Hanks writes:

I can’t exactly shed a tear for the guy since he’s made every effort to take full credit for work that was partially due to the toil and sweat of others…

That may be, but I think the bigger issues is the persistent uses of creative accounting by Hollywood to make blockbusters appear unprofitable on paper so they don’t have to fulfill their contracts with writers and others intellectual property creators (but, of course, they then turn around and assert their own intellectual property interests to make damn sure that I don’t do something as horrible as make a backup copy of the Spider-Man DVD.)