WizKids makes this life-sized foam replica of the Pathfinder goblin. This is 36″ tall and retails for roughly $500 plus shipping.

Just another nerd.
WizKids makes this life-sized foam replica of the Pathfinder goblin. This is 36″ tall and retails for roughly $500 plus shipping.
Pathfinder is getting in on the life-sized foam replica business with a life-sized (36″ x 26″ x 20″) replica of the game’s iconic Kobold with a spear. Either the blue or red variety will set you back $600.
WizKids recently announced it had teamed up with Paizo to release a line of collectible miniatures centered for the Pathfinder RPG. The odd thing is this doesn’t seem to involve any sort of miniatures-related game, but rather these are miniatures intended for use when playing Pathfinder or other RPGs. Which makes the collectible angle on this a bit odd,
Pathfinder Battles fantasy miniatures will be available in a variety of formats. The first release, Heroes & Monsters, will come in a “brick” of 19 blind standard booster packs, with 16 packs including one Medium or 2 Small figures, and 3 large packs featuring 1 Large monster each. Duplication of figures within a sealed brick has been held to a minimum, so purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick (as with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed). Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases (4 bricks) should get a nearly complete set of figures.
Weird. So if I want to make sure I get the succubus depicted below for my tabletop game I’ve got to buy four bricks? Really?