Lou Dobbs and Cokie Roberts — Where Do They Find These People?

Warning: gratuitous ad hominems ahead.

I love the title of this article by CNN’s resident nativist commentator, Lou Dobbs.

The headline, “Do you takes us for fools?” echoes a question in the text of the article where Dobbs asks, “How dumb do you think all think we are?”

Frankly, every time I watch Dobbs I see him set new lows for intelligence in homo sapiens so I’m not sure there is a straightforward answer to that question.

He’s like Pat Buchanan minus the wit, which must take a lot of work.

Not that the ranks of those in favor of looser immigration lots aren’t filled with half-wits either. Cokie and Steven Roberts with the award there with this April 2006 flourish (emphasis added),

The anti-immigration forces have taken one principle, law and order (tinged with a rancid whiff of xenophobia), and elevated it over every other principle — loyalty and patriotism, charity and courage. That was the calculation behind the noxious bill that passed the House last winter, which makes it a crime to live here illegally or even to help a paperless alien.

Living here illegally might be made a crime? Perish the thought!

Of course, Cokie once stood in front a blue screen for a “live” broadcast from the White House, so she’s not exactly the brightest light bulb in the box anyway. But seriously, can’t she get anyone to edit her stuff to remove obvious nonsense like that?

Too bad they’re on different networks, or the immigration debate could really be taken up a notch by having Lou interview Cokie in front of a blue-screened image of Mexico City.


Dobbs to President: Do you take us for fools? Lou Dobbs, CNN, May 10, 2006.

Today we march, tomorrow we vote. Cokie and Steven Roberts, The Daily Dunklin Democrat, April 16, 2006.

Lou Dobbs Needs to Pay Attention

CNN’s Lou Dobbs apparently is spending so much time these days worrying that some Mexican immigrant is going to take his job that he can’t be bothered to keep up with other events in the news. From CNN yesterday,

DOBBS: And, in contrast, Ron, Senator Kerry was quick to disavow the deserter language that was used by one of his prominent supporters, I believe Michael Moore.

RON BROWNSTEIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes, that was actually one of Wesley Clark supporters.

In fact Kerry has had his supporters raising this issue and when asked about it directly pleads that he is agnostic on the issue and simply doesn’t know whether or not it’s true but that it is a legitimate question to be raised.

Personally, I doubt the Bush’s National Guard service will be any more of an issue than it was in 2000 or that Bill Clinton’s efforts to avoid the draft affected him.

Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

Maybe Andrew Sullivan and Michael Moore should get together and coauthor a book because each seems to share the same characteristic — they issue very harsh broadsides against perceived enemies, and then whine to no end when someone dare criticize them.

SpinSanity has come out on the short end of both Moore and Sullivan’s recent complaints about their respective critics.

SpinSanity has found a number of errors and distortions in the comments Sullivan posts to his web log. Individually, none of the errors really adds up to much, but taken together I have to agree with the SpinSanity folks that they show a pattern of someone who seems more interested than getting something quickly posted to his site than in getting it right. In one instance, for example, Sullivan erroneously summarized a New York Time story, indicating he didn’t read it all that carefully before posting about it.

In a chat hosted by the Washington Post, Sullivan replied to suggestions that SpinSanity and The Daily Howler keep pointing out errors on his sites with this retort,

Both those sites are ideological hit-machines.

If you look at my track record of around 1,000 words a day on my site, links to hundreds of other sites, comments day in and day out, you’ll find at most a handful of errors in 18 months, all immediately corrected or addressed. some of these “errors” are simply differing interpretations. But sure, I’ve made a handful of mistakes in the last year or so.

I don’t think it is fair at all to characterize SpinSanity as an “ideological hit machine” — although The Daily Howler certainly fits the bill. On the other hand, I am not sure what relevance at all that has. This sounds like the sort of whining that Justin Raimondo and others have done about the so-called “warbloggers.”

Being that it is a “ideological hit-machine,” SpinSanity has also earned the ire of Michael Moore in two separate articles that pointed out factual errors in Moore’s book as well as strongly suggesting that Moore plagiarized part of his book from an e-mail that had been circulating the Internet.

Moore’s response? SpinSanity is jealous of his book sales and public appearances. Here’s an exchange between Moore and Lou Dobbs,

DOBBS: Salon.com [which publishes SpinSanity’s columns] just took you to task on this book, pointing out glaring inaccuracies, which — what in the world…
MOORE: Some of these, I think they found some guy named Dan was named Dave, and there was another thing. But you know, look, this is a book of political humor. So, I mean, I don’t respond to that sort of stuff, you know.
DOBBS: Glaring inaccuracies?
MOORE: No, I don’t. Why should I? How can there be inaccuracy in comedy? You know.
. . .
DOBBS: It was metaphorical. And when you say that president…
MOORE: Well, your point was that Salon and others are like liberals, so why would they — actually, the only attacks on the book have come from liberals.
DOBBS: Is that right?
DOBBS: Perhaps that’s because, again, just dealing with what they know.
MOORE: Yes, maybe. Or maybe they’re just — some people get a little jealous. That’s what you do. “How come he’s on TV? He’s on Lou Dobbs! What’s going on?”

Moore’s position seems to be that it does not matter whether his book is accurate or not, and his critics are just jealous SOBs.

Both Sullivan and Moore would do well to focus on increasing their accuracy rather than launching ad hominems at their critics.


News, Politics and U.S. Policy With Andrew Sullivan. Washington Post, April 9, 2002.

Spinsanity in the news. Spinsanity.Com, April 12, 2002.