The Secret Saturdays Cryptid Lab

To promote its cryptozoological-influenced cartoon The Secret Saturdays, Cartoon Network has added a Flash-based Cryptid Lab that lets the user design their very own cryptozoological creature buy selecting from various parts and then modifying/re-coloring them.

It’s no Spore Creature Creator, but considering it’s all done in Flash there’s a surprising level of customization possible.

The Buffy: The Animated Series Pilot

So the 3:35 minute pilot clip that was done to shop an animated Buffy: The Vampire Slayer series several years ago finally shows up on the Internet. Since this was put together to shop the series it is a little forced at times, but it’s still not hard to see that this would have been a kick ass cartoon.

The interesting thing is, according to Joss Whedon, everyone was on board to do the cartoon but they couldn’t find anyone who wanted it. That’s actually not surprising to me as it really doesn’t quite fit with the lineups over the past few years for the cartoon-oriented cable channels. I can definitely seeing execs concerned that it doesn’t quite fit in with their programming and not wanting to take a chance on it.

I am surprised that something like the SciFi channel didn’t grab this given their willingness to experiment with things like The Amazing Screw On Head.