DC Comics Bombshells Statues: Killer Frost

It’s not that I particularly like or dislike this Bombshells statue, but rather it reminds me of just how many characters there are in the DC universe that have the ability to project cold and ice. Someone should lock up all the ice-powered villains and heroes with all the super-speed villains and heroes and trim down the number of these “yet another character with the same obvious superpowers” nonsense.

DC Comics Bombshells Statues: Killer Frost

DC Comics Bombshells Statue: Black Canary

Wow…DC Collectibles managed to come up with a concept for one of its Bombshells statues series that doesn’t suck. This Black Canary statue is fairly clever, tasetful and not as godawful ugly as the previous entries in the series have been.

DC Bombshells Statues: Black Canary