Sure, why not? Still, a better take on super-hero nesting dolls would be a secret identity series. So the Bruce Banner doll opens up to reveal the Hulk inside, etc.
Tag: Avengers
Marvel 75th Anniversary Masterworks Slipcase
Kotobukiya’s Avengers Hulk Statue
Etsy shop Fallen Designs sells these uber-cute amigurumiĀ Snailvengers (though currently they are out of stock).
Avengers as High Fantasy Characters
I couldn’t find these on Deviant Art, but the Captain America reimagining below is apparently part of a series by *theDURRRRIAN depicting characters from The Avengers as Dungeons & Dragons-style fantasy character. The entire set can be viewed at Nerd Approved.

Avengers Ass-emble: Parody of Ridiculous Sexualization of Female Characters in Comics
Artist Kevin Bolk noticed that only one character in this artist’ promo for the Avengers movie was posed such as to make her ass prominent:
And so created his own version of the image redoing all of the male characters in the Black Widow style: