5th Cell Layoffs–No More Scribblenauts?

Back in March, 5th Cell laid off most of its staff after the apparent cancellation of Scribblenauts: Fighting Words.

Unfortunately, due to a project cancellation, we have had to let go of 45 of our very talented staff members today.

Layoffs aren’t something we take lightly and we’d like to thank all our employees for all the hard work and dedication over the years.

5TH Cell as a company is not closing down, but our focus right now is 100% on helping our staff make the transition to other external opportunities. If we haven’t already reached out, any interested employer can reach us at [email protected].

I hope this doesn’t mean an end to Scribblenauts games. Scribblenauts Unlimited was finally released on iOS/Android in December 2015, but I’m Scribblenauts Unmasked was a likely sales disappointment.

Personally, I’d like to see a Scribblenauts Unlimited 2 with more options for user-generated content. What Scribblenauts is really missing is the ability of users to design their own levels. Adding that to the already outstanding custom object creation system would make a worthy successor (at least on PC).

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