
For the past 5 years I’ve been using Ken Schutte’s Slogger plugin for Firefox to keep archives of every website I visit. But lately I’ve run into installation issues with Slogger, plus there are a number of important features that I’d like that Slogger doesn’t offer.

The other day I happened to run across WebMynd. WebMynd does pretty much what Slogger does. It keeps a local archive of all the web pages you’ve visited. It also uploads the text to its website. The business model here is that they hope you’ll pay to search that archive online. I suspect the number of people who actually want this sort of service is fairly small, so I’d be surprised to see if they actually succeed at monetizing this.

However, if you are the sort of person who finds making local archives of every web page useful, the plugin does a great job. Unlike Slogger, for example, WebMynd will accurately make copies of web pages loaded in non-focused tabs (Slogger typically will save a copy of the currently focused tab). WebMynd also does a better job of capturing every element on a page.

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