More Than You Ever Wanted to Know about Green Lantern-related Merchandise

The Green Lantern Corps fan website has a page devote to an extensive history of Green Lantern-related merchandise, including numerous iterations of the power ring.

And yet, for all of that, I still haven’t been able to locate an adult-sized Green Lantern costume for Halloween. Looks like I’m going to be stuck going as the Flash (just need to decide if that’s Barry Allen or Wally West).

One thought on “More Than You Ever Wanted to Know about Green Lantern-related Merchandise”

  1. Hey, dude!
    This year,2009, several halloween sites and major retailers have a Hal Jordon-type adult GL costume. It runs in the range from $50-$75, depending on the reailer. Personally, I think some sites, including the big retailers, have jacked-up the price. I mean come on if one site has it for say $54.99 as an “original” price and another site says it’s “orginal” price is $75, but they have for “sale” at $60. I think someone is trying to shine some “light” on their customers anatomy doesn’t normally see/feel any. That being said I saw an ad on Facebook for a site, 80’, that had said costume for $60. I did check around various Halloween/costume sites and big retailers, which is where my rant came from, but it appears $60 is your average price.
    Hey, can you hook me up with I might find a simple GL ring, not the silver/chome one usually $25? I was kind of look for the low end type, like a solid green plastic type. I love other one, it just doesn’t fit my budget this year (dawn economy!). Thanks.
    PS: did you go as Flash last year? (when this article was posted) just curious.

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