Marvel Legends Icons Waves 5 and 6

Images of Waves 5 and 6 of Hasbro’s Marvel Icons series have hit all the usual action figure websites. I dunno, these look okay in the promo pictures, but I gave up on this line a long time ago due to the absolutely awful sculpts on some of the figures (see, for example, the awful head sculpt on the Marvel Legends Icons Magneto –ugh).

Marvel Icons - Night Crawler
Marvel Legends Icons - Nightcrawler
Marvel Icons Colossus
Marvel Legends Icons - Colossus
Marvel Icons Daredevil
Marvel Legends Icons - Daredevil
Marvel Icons Daredevil Yellow Variant
Marvel Legends Icons - Daredevil Yellow Variant
Marvel Icons Phoenix
Marvel Legends Icons - Phoenix
Marvel Icons Phoenix Variant
Marvel Legends Icons - Phoenix Variant

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