Fears of Polio Vaccine Grip Nigeria

The World Health Organization’s goal of eradicating polio worldwide by 2005 ran into a major obstacle in October 2003 when three Nigerian states suspended polio vaccination over fears that the vaccine could cause AIDS, cancer and infertility.

The largely-Muslim northern states of Kaduna, Kano and Zamfra ordered a stop to a WHO-sponsored vaccination program. Reuters quoted Dr. Datti Ahmed, president of Nigeria’s Supreme Council for Sharia Law, as saying,

A lot of documents have come into our possession indicating there are grave doubts and concerns about the safety of the oral polio vaccine being used in Nigeria. We therefore called on the authorities to suspend the immunization program and investigate these fears.

WHO representatives dismissed such objections saying the polio vaccine was safe.

Unfortunately, Nigeria is one of only 7 countries where the disease is still prevalent and many children there are not vaccinated. Authorities worry that the disease could expand from Nigeria into surrounding countries. According to WHO representative Dr. David Heymann,

In some parts of Nigeria, only 13 percent of children have been vaccinated, largely because of the fears about it that have been disseminated. Nigeria is now exporting the disease. It has already cost Nigeria’s five neighbors $13 million to launch their own campaigns against it and that could go up to $20 million if it is confirmed that Chad has cases.

The government set up a group to test the polio virus, but that group dealt another setback to the polio eradication in January when it issued results claiming it found high levels of estrogen in the polio vaccine which would render those who received the vaccine infertile.

Both the WHO and the Nigerian state dismissed these claims, but WHO’s efforts to vaccinate children in Nigeria appears to have been severely set back which bodes ill both for the children there who are unnecessarily exposed to the risk of contracting polio as well as neighboring states and the rest of the world that would like to see polio eradicated.


Health experts losing battle to promote polio vaccine in Nigeria. AFP, Friday January 9, 2004.

Nigeria orders polio vaccine tests. Associated Press, October 29, 2003.

Nigeria debates polio campaign. Anna Borzello, The BBC, December 22, 2003.

8 thoughts on “Fears of Polio Vaccine Grip Nigeria”

  1. Is there any update on this situation? I’m trying to find out if they are vaccinating all children now in Nigera (for Polio).

  2. date : July 4, 009.
    remember the shastra,
    brahma [ god ] said that : –
    satoguna, rajoguna, tamogun mai hun
    nirgun hai mera nam,
    satya sanantan nirankar main hun
    bhaktai ke hun pran.
    Janani janma bhumishcha, sorgadapi gariyasi.
    Om sarbe bhabanti sukhin
    Sarbe shantu niramaya,
    Sarbe bhadrani pashenti
    Ma kasy dukha bha bhabet.
    Buddir yashya balam tashya
    Nirbuddirshya kuto balam.
    Bidhya dhanam sarba dhanam pradhanam.
    Santosum parmum sukham.
    Satyam badha,
    Dharmam char.
    Sarbatra, aur sab me bhagban birajman hai.kan kan me hai bhagaban.
    Atma kabhe nahi marega.atma ajar, amar hai.
    Atma parmatma ke he ansa hai.
    Man , bachan, karma se hinsa nahi Karen.
    Chandal , kutte,… ki hirdaya me bhi bhagaban birajman hain.
    Atma, parmatma ko chino.

    date : June 20, 009.

    Subject: dharma
    Over populated Indian

    According to shastra

    Try our best to become bal brahmachari and try our best to continue it for whole lives. so that we can attain moksha [ no need to come to the 84 lakhas yonies for birth and death cycles ] after this lives. If we can not become bal brahmachari or not successful to maintain it for the whole lives, even then we can maintain the bramacharya in our married lives with dharmayukta family lives. With dharmayukta family lives = dharmic jeevan we can earn punya [ dharmic assets earn by good deeds ]. Manusya chola [human lives] is uttam [ best ] chola [ lives ] among the 84 lakhas yonies [all types of living beings in earth ]. Because of manusya chola [ lives ] we can do dharm , earn punya in our lives.. Because manushya lives is chaitany chola [ we do have higher level of thingkings, so that we can differentiate good and bad, pap and punya,……….. ] but remaining other 84 lakhs yonies [ living being ] are not chaitanya chola [ having higher level of thinking ], so that those remaining 84 lakhas yonies can not do dharm and earn puny as we human being can do dharma and earn punya in our lives. As we are having chaitanya chola we can do dharma, earn punya, so that we can go to the heaven and pass happy lives there till our punya remain as assets . even with our dharmic jeevan [ dharmic lives ] if we can not do that much dharma and earn that much punya to become moksha or go to the heaven , at least we will be able to get dharmic parents [ dharmic parents means those parents who are dharmic pitaji[ father ] and patibrata, punyawati, punyashila ,.. mataji [ mother ] to whom we will be able to get in our next lives. If we get dharmic parents [ born by the above mentioned father and mother’s kokha ] our lives will become pure [ dhanya ], so that we will be able continuously do more dharma, earn more punya in each our successive human lives, by getting the above mentioned dharmic parents in our successive human lives. by getting the above mentioned dharmic parents in our successive human lives we will do more and more dharma and earn more and more punya in our successive human lives. When we continuously do more and more dharma, earn more and more punya in our successive human lives, we will be able to attain the moksha or go to the heaven, according to our punnya asset.


    Remember shastra : – let us avoid kama , krodha, lobha, moha in our lives.

    Let us earn dharm , artha, kama , moksha.

    Let us remember that in the whole world, whole universe, there are three types of

    guna [ characters ], which are satto, rajo and tamo , including we human being.


    Date 19 june 009.

    cheater Indian,
    remember the ved : – asoto ma sat gamay, tamso ma jotir gamaya, mirtur ma amrit gamaya,…………
    noisy, quarrelsome, violent, dry, dusty, rusty, semi barren,……… hot, desert,………..loving Indian,
    remember shastra : – om dev shanti, antariksha shanti, prithibi shanti, rap shanti, ausadhaya shanti, banspataya shanti,….
    Always over populated, always over crowded, always congested,…, due to always giving birth to many many children in each generation, when small pox eradicated , cholera, acute gastro enteritis, bacillary dysenteries, malaria, kalazar [ lesmeniasis ],tuberculosis, rabies, severe pneumonia in children, ……., all together which used to kill millions of human population almost every year in India, other south Asian countries, other Asian countries, in all African countries, in all the south American countries [ in all third world countries ]. As the progress of sciences, technologies, in Europe and America, specially since last about 150 years, the good hearted people of Europe and America were and are helping in education, health sciences, skill development, prevention, treatment,. of above mentioned fatal diseases which were causing millions of death of human population almost every year in India, other south Asian countries, other Asian countries, in all African countries, in all the south American countries [ in all third world countries ] were and are gradually under control. as result there was and is continuously, always un manageable, rapidly increasing the human population, who were and are always lazy, always not creative, nice, polite, not trying to be good, disciplined, educated, well mannered, Nobel, excellent, civilized, rather always prone to become criminals, rowdy, destructive, spoiled, cruel, ill mannered, burdened population [ always criminal mind, lazy bone, hungry mouth, giving birth to many children like dogs ]…… in all third world countries of Asia, Africa, south America, Oceania, in all the tropical islands territories, of the whole world.

    …… date : June 18, 009.

    Present world ‘s all human being from third world, second world to

    first world, from not developed to highly developed countries, from

    laborer class to rich people , from residents of remote areas :

    forests living tribal communities to mega cities living urban

    population, from illiterate population to highly educated population,

    from presidents , prime minister to king, queen , from ordinary

    families to royal families,., from the population who

    living in very hot topical climate to very cold tundra regions, higher

    altitude mountainous regions,….., from modern population to extremely primitive cave, forests,. …,Living primitive population OF THILD WORLD COUNTRIES,…………,, each and every action of all above mentioned ever increasing more than 7 billions population of earth, are continuously adding the temperature of earth causing continuously raising the temperature of earth. Not a single activity of above mentioned ever increasing, Present world ‘s all human being [ human population ] of earth is cooling the earth.
    from third world, second world to

    first world, from not developed to highly developed countries, from

    laborer class to rich people , from residents of remote areas :

    forests living tribal communities to mega cities living urban

    population, from illiterate population to highly educated population,

    from presidents , prime minister to king, queen , from ordinary

    families to royal families,., from the population who

    living in very hot topical climate to very cold tundra regions, higher

    altitude mountainous regions, all of them are continuously

    addicted to alcohol, luxurious food, lazy lives, luxurious lives,

    consumer lives, immoral, corrupted, vulgar, sexy, porn ,lives

    the trend are ever increasing day by day all over the world, if to

    days human being do not try for correction, modification,, for

    better, then the human being of whole world will be ruined, destroyed

    very soon in future .

  3. Date 29, July, 20010.
    Remember : binu hari kripa trina na dole. teach Nepali about this [ dharma ] .

    Ya bhaiya : sita ram sita ram sita ram kahaiye
    Je bidhi rakhe ram se bidhi rahiye.


    Rain water harvest

    people of whole world, particularly, to those people who were and are
    living in the hot, dry ,dusty, semi-barren, semi deserted lands of
    India , which are: Bihar , Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orisa, Andhra
    Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and other remaining states of India ,
    and southern plain land of Nepal ,which is called Madesh or Terai ,
    which boarders with the northern states of India , which are Uttar
    Pradesh, Bihar, and Bengal , who were and are facing scarcity of water,
    all the time for drinking, cleanings, washings, agriculture
    ,irrigation, farming, cultivation, plantation, forestry and other
    essential use. please do not be always too lazy, careless, damp caring
    ,arrogant ,stubborn ,passive, narrow minded, not curious for good
    things, jealous, crooked, hazardous, too much selfish, never having
    civic sense ,never trying for excellent, Nobel and wise, best ideas,
    thinking, works, societies, things, a€|.., insensitive, un productive,
    irresponsible, always producing too many children in the lap of the
    already sick mother earth and becoming ever increasing burdens to her,
    do not be cheaters, cunning ,unfaithful, spoilers, over suspicious,
    unfruitful, dirty and filthy, and pound foolish penny wise, always
    remaining illiterate about ecology, environment,! nature, about the
    cleanliness and beautifications of your owns homes, schools, colleges,
    universities ,dormitories, hostels, neighborhoods, villages, towns,
    cities, surroundings, factories, residential areas, temples, older
    people living shelters , kinder gardens, office complexes, public
    places, foot paths, roads, and â€|. always doing very harmful deeds to
    the owns towns, villages, communities, surroundings, ecology,
    environment and nature, doing nothing creative and innovative works,
    dependent to others all the time, do not drown, submerge into the
    flood water, and fall the victims of floods in each and every year,
    caused by the rain water during each and every year’s rainy season
    {monsoon period} particularly in India , Bangladesh , Nepal ,south
    China and other south east Asian countries, rather start to try your
    best to use, utilize, |the rain water of monsoon and bother for very
    useful things, which can be utilized in huge manner with very minimum
    efforts and works, etc……, rather start storing, conserving,
    utilizing, using the rain water in maximum way, ,whenever, wherever
    and however possible in your homes, surroundings: towns and villages,
    public lands, private lands, by making rain water catchments
    facilities e.g. water storing tanks ,water containers, pits, small
    ponds, reservoirs, man made lakes, etc, as soon as possible. because
    rain water was coming and is coming in your homes, your gardens, your
    farm lands, your plantation areas, your private forests, your private
    lands, in public forests, communities forests , national parks,
    government’s lands, public places, without any efforts, without paying
    single rupee, single cent, â€|. because, rain water was and is being
    provided freely by God for all the living beings, including human
    being, whether rich or poor ,living in cities or villages, of the
    developed countries or not developed countries of the whole world.

    Date. 9 Feb., 2010.
    Immediately, compulsorily,.., construct,.., fuel efficient,……….., kitchen, kitchen gas out letting pipes in the homes of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ], where fire woods, cows dung, buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ……….., fired, kitchens are ever increasing day by day due to ever increasing population growth in these so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] for the mainly following purposes : –
    1] to inhibit the ever accelerating destructions of forests in the so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ]
    2] Immediately, compulsorily,.., construct,.., fuel efficient,……….., kitchen gas out letting pipes in the homes of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] to reduce the ever increasing occurrences of air way diseases, heart diseases, eyes irritation,………………, like : – chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary [ lungs ] diseases, [ copd ], heart diseases due to chronic obstructive pulmonary [ lungs ], eyes diseases,……………………….,, due to long time exposure of smokes, fumes,…., produced from the fire woods, cows dung, buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ……….., fired, kitchens mainly to female population because most of the time, female population in the family prepare food in these kitchens in the villages of these so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ], where the kitchens are mostly fired by fire woods, cows dung,
    buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ………., in the homes of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] .

  4. 5 sep., 2010

    Rain water harvest

    people of whole world, particularly, to those people who were and are
    living in the hot, dry ,dusty, semi-barren, semi deserted lands of
    India , which are: Bihar , Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orisa, Andhra
    Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and other remaining states of India ,
    and southern plain land of Nepal ,which is called Madesh or Terai ,
    which boarders with the northern states of India , which are Uttar
    Pradesh, Bihar, and Bengal , who were and are facing scarcity of water,
    all the time for drinking, cleanings, washings, agriculture
    ,irrigation, farming, cultivation, plantation, forestry and other
    essential use. please do not be always too lazy, careless, damp caring
    ,arrogant ,stubborn ,passive, narrow minded, not curious for good
    things, jealous, crooked, hazardous, too much selfish, never having
    civic sense ,never trying for excellent, Nobel and wise, best ideas,
    thinking, works, societies, things, a€|.., insensitive, un productive,
    irresponsible, always producing too many children in the lap of the
    already sick mother earth and becoming ever increasing burdens to her,
    do not be cheaters, cunning ,unfaithful, spoilers, over suspicious,
    unfruitful, dirty and filthy, and pound foolish penny wise, always
    remaining illiterate about ecology, environment,! nature, about the
    cleanliness and beautifications of your owns homes, schools, colleges,
    universities ,dormitories, hostels, neighborhoods, villages, towns,
    cities, surroundings, factories, residential areas, temples, older
    people living shelters , kinder gardens, office complexes, public
    places, foot paths, roads, and â€|. always doing very harmful deeds to
    the owns towns, villages, communities, surroundings, ecology,
    environment and nature, doing nothing creative and innovative works,
    dependent to others all the time, do not drown, submerge into the
    flood water, and fall the victims of floods in each and every year,
    caused by the rain water during each and every year’s rainy season
    {monsoon period} particularly in India , Bangladesh , Nepal ,south
    China and other south east Asian countries, rather start to try your
    best to use, utilize, |the rain water of monsoon and bother for very
    useful things, which can be utilized in huge manner with very minimum
    efforts and works, etc……, rather start storing, conserving,
    utilizing, using the rain water in maximum way, ,whenever, wherever
    and however possible in your homes, surroundings: towns and villages,
    public lands, private lands, by making rain water catchments
    facilities e.g. water storing tanks ,water containers, pits, small
    ponds, reservoirs, man made lakes, etc, as soon as possible. because
    rain water was coming and is coming in your homes, your gardens, your
    farm lands, your plantation areas, your private forests, your private
    lands, in public forests, communities forests , national parks,
    government’s lands, public places, without any efforts, without paying
    single rupee, single cent, â€|. because, rain water was and is being
    provided freely by God for all the living beings, including human
    being, whether rich or poor ,living in cities or villages, of the
    developed countries or not developed countries of the whole world.

    God bless you to the all good people of UNO [ united nations organization ] who were and are so kind hearted,……, who were trying their best and became successful to do the novel deeds and still trying their best to do all the novel deeds so that it became possible to continue the novel mission which helped so much and stopped the civil war of past and recent years, and is helping so much to continuously maintaining the peace, less suffering to the people of Nepal, who were and are living interior part of the world, who always remained, is being continuously remained isolated, ignorant, grossly illiterates, backwards,…………………….., in this very very small, land locked Himalayans country ,Nepal. Thanks so much. God bless you the good people of UNO.
    dr. kalyan basnet, makadum simle,ramechhap, nepal.
    Date: 20 Aug. , 2010

    Mongol origin :
    Mongol origin people of Russia particularly Mongol origin people of
    very very vast land of Siberia, other wilder lands of Russia,…………,
    which are still preserving very very precious ,useful, god given gifts
    which are forests, bush covered land, shrubs covered land, plant
    covered land, grass covered land,……….., of Siberia, other wilder lands
    of Russia,…………,.please stop, Put off, set off,……., the forests fires [
    which are burning Russia since many many days ] of Russia,
    Siberia,………………, instantly, immediately, at any cost.

    Mongol origin human population repeatedly set fires [ do arsons ] in
    forests in dry season in Asia and may be all over the world where
    there Mongol origin population were and are living. repeatedly
    setting fires [ doing arsons ] in forests in dry season, were and are,
    the believe, tradition, culture, way of life,….., of Mongol origin
    population of whole world, which is strong, unchangeable,
    Un controlled, ever increasing human population of third world
    countries : – Nepal , India , Burma , Thailand , Indonesia , Malaysia
    , Philippines , ….. all the illiterate village living Mongolian
    origins human population of Asia, except Japan [ because developed
    civic sense in the Japanese citizen due to highly literate society ],
    china, north Korea [ due to strict communist rules leading to
    disciplined societies, severe punishment for criminals,…in respective
    countries ], Bhutan [ due to Buddhists way of life ].. all the
    countries of Africa, all the counties of central America, brazil ,
    Peru, Bolivia , Columbia ,…, had been, have been, and, are being the
    tradition, customs, communities believes, attitudes, practices, strong
    , un changeable, un shakable, norms, culture, habits,….. , for
    repeatedly to set fires [ do arsons ] in the near by forests [
    jungles ] in dry season, to invade, infiltrate, encroach,………, the forest
    regions, green areas,……, to fulfill the ever increasing scarcities of
    land for agricultures, for human settlements, habitants, …..for their
    always uncontrolled, always unplanned, haphazard,…………….,
    ever increasing, always illiterate, always irresponsible, always short
    sited , always criminal minded, …., Human population of always not
    developing third
    world countries.
    Mongol races
    Mongol origin [ Mongol races ] population of Nepal particularly : – tamang,
    rai, limbu, magar, gurung, tharu [ chaudhary ] ,chepang, …………….,
    different ethnic groups of bhote ,…………., do continuously encroach,
    infiltrate the remaining forests of Nepal, chop off the small plants,
    trees, of forests, put on, set fires in forests, during the every year’s
    dry season, causing rapid destruction of remaining forests of terai, chure
    regions, mahabharat, mid mountainous regions and forests of lekha [ higher
    altitude mountainous ] regions of Nepal.

    All the Mongol origin people were, are continually , die hardly,
    believing, doing, practicing, the their age old tradition of doing
    arsons, setting fires, …….., in the very very dry bushes, shrubs,
    pasture lands, green lands, forests,…………., during the every year
    year’s very very dry season .no bodies except God were are able to
    stop the Mongolian people of the whole world from doing such
    practices which were and are age old, tradition, passed from
    generations to generations . these forests firing practices by the
    Mongol people of whole world, which were and are practicing all over
    the world which were and are totally criminal practices. major portion
    of world’s population were and are Mongol origins. all the people of
    china, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia [except later migrated and still
    migrating south Indian Tamil people from India ] , Vietnam, Taiwan,
    Mongolia, Thailand ,Laos, Cambodia, Philippine, Korea, Japan,…………,were
    and are Mongol origins .majorities of central Asian people were and
    are Mongol origin either. all the ethnic people of Siberia, northern
    part of remaining part of vast country of Russia, ethnic people of
    northern Europe : – Sweden, Norway , Finland, Green land, Iceland,
    Denmark,……….., were and are Mongol origin. ethnic people of Canada ,
    Alaska , and remaining part of u s a, Australia , new Zeeland
    ,……….,were and are Mongol origin. all the ethnic people of Africa
    except the north Africa, where majorities were and are Arab, near
    mediterian sea situated south
    European,…….., origins. So the people of these region looks like,
    Arab, south European,……….,origins. All the remaining African people
    looks like Mongol origins, except
    their color of skin, type of hair, lips,….., So all the African people were
    and are doing, practicing age old tradition of intentionally,
    setting fires, in bushes, shrubs, pasture lands, forests ,…., during
    every year’s dry season like Mongol origins people. majorities of
    people of south America [ Latin America ] were and are also Mongol
    origins. so the village living people of that continent also practice
    the age old tradition, practice of encroachment, infiltration,
    destruction of forests like Mongol people did and doing. Majorities
    of the people of northern India and north eastern part of India : –
    Assam , Meghalaya, Arunanchal Pradesh, Manipure , Mizoram ,………….……..,
    are Mongol origins. majorities of northern Afghanistani, northern
    Pakistani were and are also belonging to Mongol origins. Majorities of
    central Asian people were and are belonging to Mongol origins.
    Majorities of Bhutani people, majorities of Sikkimi people belong to
    Mongo origins. majorities of south Indian people who were and is
    known as Dravidian people, they were and are also look like Mongol
    origins. Though Majorities of north Indian people belong to Caucasian
    origins but majorities of these Indian villages living people were
    and are still extremely primitive, illiterate, isolated, back ward,
    not developing at all. Some portion of these people are still living
    nomadic, gypsy, tribal,….., lives here in India . All the ethnic
    people of Andaman, NICO bar , …other remaining islands people of India
    were and are Mongol origin people.

    Date 15 May, 2005
    To the,
    Respected editor/ chief,……..,.
    Subject: – prohibit forest fire.
    Sir / Madame
    May I request for your kind permission, t! o send this e-mail request
    letter to you? Like every past year’s dry season, in this year’s dry
    season also, scare, remaining, very useful forests are being cruelly
    burned day and night since more than last two months, mostly in
    remaining forests of Char Kose Jhadi of low land regions, Churia
    regions and mid mountains regions and causing irreversible damages of
    ecology, environment, destroying the small plants, tress, cruel
    killing and suffering of many forest sheltered animals, birds, etc..
    in the forest fire affected areas of our country. Forest fire causes
    following harms, damages, destructions, disturbances, etc etc. burning
    and destructions of all small plants, bushes, shrubs, grasses, etc ii)
    forest fire causes loss all small and tiny animals, eggs, baby
    chickens of so many varieties of birds, those birds whose nest and
    shelters are over the surface area of forest covered regions, and all
    those living being, who are not able to run away for lives during
    forest fire, particularly the forest fire of night times, forest fire
    kill and destroy all the microbes, organic living being and also
    disturb the inorganic compounds, which are essential and useful for
    the life of soil, forest fire burned to ashes to the all dried fire
    woods, dry trees due to old ages and other causes, all those dried
    leaves, which drop off from branches of all tress during ! hot and dry
    season, and collected over the ground of forests, which all are very
    useful for the sustaining the forests itself, and are useful for all
    the all animals and all the living beings, who survive and live in the
    forests areas and for the people and domestic animals of near by
    village of forests areas. forest fire also cause environmental
    pollutions, ecological destructions, physical and psychological health
    hazards to the human population, particularly to the people, who live
    in near the forests areas villages, and these forests areas is being
    burned and engulfed by horrific forests fires. forest fire always was
    and is being occurred in dry and hot season, so continuously burning
    forests fires e.g. for many days of burning of larger areas of forests
    in many places, cause smoky, very unclear and very dry and hot air,
    which is un healthy air for respiration, causing difficulties in
    respiration, particularly to the very old people, recently born
    infants and very small children and to the all ready ill people, who
    are suffering from lungs and heart disease. Forest fire causes dryness
    and irritation of nasal cavity, throat and lower respiratory tract
    causing air way diseases e.g. acute pharyangitis, acute bronchitis,
    etc and also cause irritation and dryness of eyes in the areas of
    those forests where there are forests fire. At the same time these
    types of forest fire also may ! cause, more sever type of air way
    diseases e. g. chronic bronchitis, seriousness of chronic bronchitis,
    bronchial asthma and other diseases. Forest fire can make more
    seriousness to those people, who are already suffering from different
    types heart diseases, lungs diseases, and other diseases, because in
    these situations, weather become more hot and dry in affected areas,
    etc, etc. Forests fires was and are always caused by intentionally
    setting the fire, in the already dried up forests due to dry and hot
    season, in every year, by the following people:- i)by irresponsible,
    ignorant, illiterate village people, who were and are living in the
    villages of near by forests areas, ii) by landless farmers, who always
    sheltered near the forests areas, iii) by the under world and illegal
    loggers, iv) by the under world and illegal addictive drugs
    traffickers, mostly e.g. Ganja traffickers, and many others addictive!
    s drugs traffickers in Nepal , v) by the illegal poachers and hunters
    of animals, who are surviving in the forests, etc. Among the above
    mentioned groups of people, those village people , who are living near
    the forest areas, are always trying their best to infiltrate and
    destroy the forests areas, as soon as and as much as possible for the
    fulfillment of scarcity of land, because these people were and are
    always suffering from the scarcity of land for cultivation, because
    there is always unmanaged and uncontrolled population growth in these
    people, who live near the forests, particularly in the landless,
    illiterate, poor, ignorant, village people. Will you please kindly
    give your valuable time for this very serious national problem too, so
    that all the people of Nepal would know and realize this true, urgent
    and one of the very serious national problems, so that there will be
    preventive measures from all sides,! all spectrums, all levels, from
    the all people of Nepal, so that there will be prevention of further
    damages of human health, prevention of further disturbance of ecology
    and environment, prevention of further destructions and further loss
    of forests in coming days in Nepal. Thank you. Obediently Dr. Kalyan
    Basnet, Raj Biraj Hospital , Nepal .


    Date 30 Mar, 2006,
    forest is life.
    Date 30 Mar, 2006, Medical doctors are also part of human being and
    human being are also part of living beings of earth. Air, water, food
    are essential factors for all the living beings but plants ( forests
    and all the green vegetations )re also essential factor for the living
    beings. Atmospheric layer which covers the surface of the whole earth,
    is the store house of all atmospheric gases, including, oxygen, which
    is the most essential gases for the lives of all livings beings of the
    earth. As we knew that the atmospheric layer is the store house of
    oxygen. at the same time, we also know that, the major source of
    oxygen, are the plant kingdom of the whole world, e.g. all the forests
    regions, green grasslands, flowers farming lands, like in Netherlands,
    repeatedly done all types of green agricultural crops, all types of
    fruits cultivations, all types green vegetations, which are scattered
    all over the world. scarcity of any one of the above mentioned
    essential factors, certainly cause disease to the all living beings.
    Nature itself a open book. art is long and time is short. necessity is
    the mother of invention. where there is will there is way. practice
    makes man perfect. Unity is strength. United we stand and divided we
    fall. god helps those who helps themselves. matter is neither created
    nor destroyed. there is only once life and it is beautiful. trees,
    plants and vegetations are essence of life in earth. As human beings
    had been discarding and are being discarding their particular
    traditional values, believes, cultures, way of lives, etc,…witch
    traditional values, believes, cultures, way of lives, etc,…. had
    been remolded in hundreds of thousands years of historical and
    traditional periods. Above mentioned, traditional values, way of lives
    of the different ethnic people and different communities, etc ..had
    been remolded, according to the geo-physical structures of those
    particular lands, locations, climate, scarcities or abundances of
    natural resources e.g.:- rivers, and other sources of water, dry and
    having less forested areas, desert areas or surrounded by dense
    forests with abundances of forest resources and flora and fauna, dry
    and non fertile agricultural lands or very fertile lands with
    abundances of forests, rivers, water sources, etc. As fast we the
    human population of the whole world are converting from the
    traditional, natural ,harmonious and simple lives to modern, ultra
    modern, sophisticated, luxurious lives, in the same speed, we the
    human population of the whole world, are becoming cancer cells, for
    the body of the mother earth, which are casing aggressive killing of
    the already ailed and diseased, mother earth and all the surviving
    living beings of earth all together. back to nature in evolutionary
    way, is the only way,! to control the climate change phenomenon of
    earth, by these ways we can prevent, the man made irreversibly,
    definite destruction of mother earth. Forest is life. Subject:- Please
    try our best to love, care and well wishing to the beautiful creations
    of the nature: beautiful flowers, plants, trees, forests, colorful
    birds, snow covered mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, atmosphere
    (which is a natural store house of the oxygen, which is most
    essential, for the lives of human beings, and all the other living
    beings of the Mother Earth).By the continuous efforts of human beings
    of the whole world, we can certainly control the climate change
    phenomenon of the earth. Forest is not only the intimate friend of
    human beings but also very essential for the whole world. Without
    forest the survival of any form of living beings on the earth is not
    possible. The Earth will be deserted without forest, which is really
    terrible situation even in our imagination. As far as human beings are
    concerned, the Earth is the only planet in our universe where life can
    survive. This is because it has suitable and necessary environment for
    the life cycle. In contrast, as the other planets in the universe do
    not have basic elements and necessary environment for the life cycle.
    To our knowledge till today we have not found an! y form of life in
    other planets. This is the main reason why the Hindus worship the
    Earth as ‘Dharti Mata'(Mother Earth). The main factors for the
    existence of life and its life cycle in the Earth are: water, air and
    forest (green regions). The Earth is almost blue in color when we see
    it from the outer space. This fact is proved by the picture of Earth
    taken by an American astronaut, Neil Arm Strong, in early seventies,
    from the Moon. The reasons for this are as follows:- 1) About 2/3rd
    part of the earth is covered by the ocean’s water. 2) The Earth is
    surrounded by atmospheric layer, which is about 200 km in altitude
    from the surface of the Earth. 3) Forests, including other green and
    agricultural areas, which are scattered around the earth. The Earth
    would have looked similar to the Moon if it would not have the
    above-mentioned major three components of the Earth. One of the basic
    factors which are essential! for the! e life and life cycle to exist
    on Earth is forest and plant kingdom. Almost all of us know that
    forest and green plants are major source of Oxygen, which is the most
    essential gas used by the all- living beings for survival on the
    Earth. Not only that the plants take in the carbon dioxide, which is
    being continuously produced during the respiratory process by all
    living beings of the Earth. Carbon dioxide (co2) gas is also being
    continuously produced by millions of man-made machines, which are
    scattered all over the world and use fossil’s fuel as energy. By these
    process CO2 gas is being continuously accumulated in the atmosphere
    causing ever increasing atmospheric pollution in each passing day. In
    this type of environmental and atmosphere pollution also plants are
    helping to minimize the pollution of atmosphere by Carbon dioxide by
    following way. As plant kingdom of the whole world continuously use
    carbon dioxide (CO2) gas during the process of photosynthesis (a
    process by which plant prepare food for itself), which are helping to
    reduce the ever increasing accumulation of Carbon Dioxide in the
    atmosphere. So it is crystal clear that more we try to increase the
    areas of forests and other green plants, less will be the atmospheric
    pollution by carbon dioxide. By these ways plants are helping to keep
    the atmosphere clean and healthy. For example: New Delhi is one of the
    most polluted cities of the world, this environmental problem is being
    controlled to some extent by planting more trees and increasing more
    green ! areas wherever possible in all parts of the city. Most of the
    animals survive by eating different types of plants in the forest. It
    would not be mistake if we say that the entire life in the earth
    depends on plants kingdom. The entire food for human and other living
    beings are acquired from plants too, ! whether it is directly or
    indirectly. The animals that are living in the forests, such as deer,
    reindeer, wild buffalo, elephant, rhino, giraffe, Panda, monkey,
    including all the other herbivorous and domestic animals etc. also
    survive by food which are available from the plants. Thousands of
    species of birds, insects also survive on plant kingdom. Beside that
    if there is anything, which does not have any disadvantages, but only
    advantages, they are the only plants. Plants also help in making
    rainfall possible in the different parts of the earth. Normally the
    rainfall starts from the forest area and ends in the villages and
    cities, passing through the agricultural areas. For example: we get
    plenty of rainfall in the areas where there is dense forest and as the
    density and areas of forest decreases the quantity of rainfall
    decreases with it. Gradually the areas with no forest or plants will
    change into deserts! . Once the area changes into desert the chances
    of rainfall will be almost zero. In this way the area of deserts will
    gradually increase. For example: the boarder of Sahara Desert i.e. Sub
    Sahara region is gradually turning into desert because of
    deforestation in those regions. In the areas of dense forests, plants
    ! help to conserve the water under the forest covered moister hold
    areas by absorbing water from the deeper ! part of forest covered
    lands. There will be the plenty of rainfall in the areas where there
    is dense forests as a result this plants can increase their capacity
    to reserve water in the densely forested regions. In this way, more we
    try to increase the density and areas of forests ,there will be more
    increasing of spring water sources in those regions .Contrary to this
    deforestation causes less rainfall, as a result decreases the capacity
    of storing water by plants and land so the sources of water gradually
    dries up. In this way we can find plenty of water sources in the
    densely forested areas, which clarifies that the relation between
    water and plants are interdependent. The plants not only serve their
    whole lives, they also serve other living being of the earth after
    their death also. For example: we make useful materials for
    livelihood. house, windows, doors, furniture etc from the wood of
    plants. Not only this in the village areas of large population of many
    developing countries people still use firewood for their daily cooking
    and heating the house during winter season. The existence of plants
    and forests are much more important in the agriculturally based
    country like Nepal . This is because more than eighty percent of our
    total population depends on agriculture. The grass for feeding and
    other purpose for the cattle and other domestic animals and the
    materials to make compost fertilizers for farmlands! d are available
    from the forest as well. As the deforestation is increasing day by day
    in our country, it is becoming more difficult for the villagers to get
    grass and to produce compost fertilizers. As a result, due to the use
    of more chemical fertilizers, the fertility of land! is rapidly
    decreasing and the land and environmental pollution is increasing. Due
    to this the health of human population and other living beings are
    also affected. In this world, everything will get rotten after their
    death and will pollute the environment, which are their demerits.
    However, the plants do not have these types of demerits also. Plants
    only can hold the land by their roots whereas roots of the big trees
    even holds the deeper parts of soil, rocks, etc, which helps to get
    rid of the soil erosion, landslides, flood, etc. during the period of
    monsoon season.( Rainy season ) Forest is more valuable to our country
    Nepal because only the 17% of total area is plain land. Though the
    area of forest is gradually decreasing in the plain land too there are
    less danger of getting soil erosions in these areas compare to hilly
    regions during rainy season. But hills and high mountains cover more
    than 68% of the total areas of country so the deforestation in these
    geographical areas is being caused severe ! soil erosion resulting
    ecological and environmental damages in these areas. Since the plain
    region is very useful for agriculture if there is sufficient
    irrigation facilities. The sources of water are the forests, which
    helps to irrigate the land and help to make rainfall possible in rainy
    season, in this way forest ! help irrigation facilities in the
    agriculture field areas. Since, forest is very important in the plain
    as well as the hilly areas .so, it is necessary to preserve and
    protect them. The Chure region in Nepal , which is low altitude hilly
    region located in southern parts of the high mountain and northern
    part of the fertile agriculture land which are called the Terai
    region. In this way he most weakest geographical region which is
    called Chure is situated southern part of the high hill .It spread
    from west to eastern part of Nepal . This Chure region’s internal
    structure is so weak, fragile which easily erodes during rainy season.
    So this region must be protected and preserved with urgent forest
    cover. Topsoil of Chure region is more fragile and thinner than that
    of any other hilly regions of Nepal . The texture and structure of the
    soil and its components in Chure hill is much weaker and fragile !
    than of other hills in Nepal . In hilly region, the thickness of
    topsoil is usually more and subsoil is stronger due to hard rocky
    components as comparative to Chure region. We don not find sands and
    pebbles in the hilly region except in the stream and river bank. The
    continuous and ever increasing conversion of forestland into farmland
    for human settlements with deforestation in Chure region, is causing
    rapid desertification of these areas as compare to hilly areas.
    Because, as mentioned above, the topsoil of Chure region is very thin,
    fragile and it’s inner component is prone to erosion, so there is
    continuous soil erosion and floods during rainy season resulting in
    rapid desertification of this region. More the forest we destroy and
    use the land for agriculture, more will be the risk for the land
    erosion, landslide etc. The typical geo-physical structure and
    evolution of these hills and high mountain region of this part of
    geographical area is causing continuous process of soil erosion and
    landslides in rainy seasons. According to the geologist , millions of
    years ago, The Himalayan region used to be under the bottom of the
    sea. In that historical period, a hug! e land mass separated from the
    African continent happened to move towards the northeast direction
    causing clash with Euro -Asian continent. As a result of this, The
    Himalayan region slowly raised from the bottom of the sea. Above
    mentioned huge land mass is still moving towards the northeast
    direction, causing pressure to the Euro-Asian continent which has been
    causing increasing of the height of these mountain regions gradually.
    For example: The height of Mount Everest is still rising. Like wise,
    the slopes of the mountain and hills are becoming more sloppier along
    with the rise in the altitudes of these hills and mountains. Since
    thousands of years, the soil of mountains and hills is being
    continuously eroded and washed away by the heavy rainwater as the
    slopes of mountains and hills continued to become more sloppier. Due
    to this, larger parts of the soil on the hills are eroded and more
    rocks are being exposed in each rainy season. Since the remaining part
    is made of hard rocks, further chances of erosion are very less
    possible in very high mountain e.g. there is very less danger of
    landslide and breaking down of Himalayan mountain . Though the erosion
    and landslides take place in the hills with no forest, the remaining
    rocks help them in maintaining their existence. But the Chure Region,
    which spread from east to western part of Nepal, is very much delicate
    because it has thin layer of topsoil and below that found sandy soil
    and gravel soil and has weak rocks inside the deeper part of Chure
    hills. In this way, there are higher rate of soil erosion, landslides
    and desertification in rainy regions. Since the physical structure of
    Chure Region is weak, the soil erosion and landslides often takes
    place during the rainy periods as the deforestation increases. As the
    deforestation is increasing in these geographical regions, turning
    these areas to desert is also increasing. Due to deforestation
    everything in the hills such as soil, pebbles, shrubs plants etc are
    swept by flood during rainy season, causing destruction and cutting
    the agricultural land in low land plains {Terai} As a result, the
    deforested surface of the land gradually turns the into desert and
    erodes soils, during rainy season , which finally drain to Bay of
    Bengal by river Ganga . Not only this the soil, pebbles etc swept by
    rainfall has been gradually filling, destroying and cutting the
    fertile agricultural land which is situated toward south and low side
    from this chure region. Finally the above-mentioned problems have been
    causing disastrous effect in disturbing the environment of the
    affected region causing ecological and environmental imbalance. It has
    already been mentioned above that more we plant trees, plants and
    increases the density and area of forest, less will be the! chances of
    erosion and landslides. This is because the roots of the trees,
    plants, grass, bush, etc in the densely forested areas, holds the
    surface tightly even during the heavy rainfall. But in some
    exceptional cases we have to face landslides even in the hills having
    dense forest. For example: During the rainy season of 2059, (2002AD)
    we had to face a great natural disaster such as landslides and flood
    in the areas of Makwanpur, Chitwan, Taplejung, etc though these
    districts are having comparatively more forest areas. In the same time
    lowland geographical parts (Terai Region) were flooded and affected
    lots ! of agriculture land. The reasons behind above mentioned
    disasters might be as follows:- Thousands of years ago, when people
    used to live very simple and natural life, the growth of population
    was very low. Due to this the population around the world was very
    less, and the pressure to earth resource! s was also less. For
    example: People had no interference to the natural resources. People
    did not used to use petroleum products, coal and other natural gasses
    as we do now. At present days human beings are pumping out millions of
    barrels of petroleum products and millions of cubic meters of natural
    gasses each day from the deeper parts of Earth. People did not used to
    make powder, cement , use marble stones to decorate houses, to make
    motor roads by blasting and destroying hills, which weaken them. ii)
    In the ancient times all types of living beings used to survive in the
    different climates and different parts of the earth. By this way the
    life cycle of all living beings was going on smoothly all over the
    world. There was no disturbance in ecosystem at that period. iii) All
    the forests and plants were scattered all over the world in rational
    way. Due to this it used to rain equally everywhere wherever possible.
    So t! he any pocket of forest cover land did not have to tolerate much
    pressure of heavy rainfall. In the early time heavy rainfall on high
    hills and sloppy land did not have to face landslides and erosion
    because the forests occupied the areas in balance way all over the
    world so that all forest cover areas land could tolerate the pressure
    of rainfall easily. In this way those times had to face less natural
    calamities. In comparatively more forest covered area such as
    Makwanpur, Chitwan, and other districts etc we are facing more natural
    disasters than the less forest covered areas. In these cases the
    density and areas of above remaining forests is not the main cause for
    above-mentioned problem. The causes of above-mentioned problem may be
    as f follows; iv) Since many years, forest of the densely forested
    areas such as Makwanpur, Chitwan, other districts and its peripheral
    territories were being destroyed gradually. As a ! result of which
    comparatively more forested areas had to bear the rainfall of those
    regions where there is no more forest cover. This is why the disasters
    such as landslides and erosion are being v). increased in more
    forest-covered areas. another main reason is the destruction of forest
    in the high hills. In the ancient days some parts of rain used to be
    stored by the plants in the forest but now as there are less forest,
    so they cannot hold the some percentage of rain water, neither the
    surface is capable in absorbing them. This is why the rain water
    erodes land surface as a result flood and landslides occur. In short
    we can say that these disasters are the results of deforestation in
    different parts of the world. The essential elements, which are
    required for soil, are also available from the plants and trees. It
    also helps in preserving and conserving different organic elements and
    microorganism, which are useful for the soil. Plants also increase the
    beauty of nature. The dead leaves of plants are useful for making
    compost fertilizers. In this way, plants and trees are useful not only
    till they live but also they serve human beings, other animals and
    living beings of earth in everyway after death also. In this way
    plants and trees are also serving after death. For example: They serve
    as firewood. Especially for Hindus they serve burning the human dead
    body during cremation. The forest also helps to maintain humidity in
    the air. If we are well equipped and dipped down under the deep sea
    and able to reach the sea bed we can find many species of plants
    having life cycle even in the bottom of the ocean. he plants are not
    only helping too balance the ecology within the lands, but also
    helping to balance the ecology within the sea and oceans, which
    occupies almost #8532; part of our earth. As a result of destruction
    of forests and environmental pollution the temperature of earth is
    slowly increasing, causing warming up of the Earth. The
    environmentalists and ecologists have already been raising the issue
    in the international and scientific forum. They are always especially
    concerned about the gradual increase of temperature of the whole world
    causing change of climate in worldwide manner. The environmental
    pollution and climate change problem is getting serious in each year
    passing but the common people of the whole world. Particularly people
    of largely populated developing countries are still not a bit
    concerned, is really sad for the whole world. The above-mentioned
    reasons are the main factors, which had played vital roles for the
    change of weather of the whole world. As a result the people are
    compelled to suffer different natural calamities in worldwide manner.
    The main reasons for the imbalance in ecology and environment of! the
    whole world are as follows:- 1. The melting of polar ice regions is
    causing ecological and environmental deterioration. As result of which
    abnormal weather is causing serious effects all over the world. It is
    also causing different types of natural disasters in the different
    parts of our world. For .example we experience very cold weather
    during the winter season and facing floods, landslides etc. during the
    rainy season, which is the result of access rainfall, whereas drought
    is experienced for a very long period in some part of our world. In
    cold places we experience unusually very cold weather and heavy
    snowfall in winter season. 2. During the summer season whereas we
    experience unbearable hot weather in some places. In the coastal areas
    peculiarly costal towns and cities, natural disasters such as ocean
    storms (hurricane and typhoons) are increasing each year passing
    causing great human miseries, loss of properties, destruction of
    agriculture field and ecological disturbance (natural calamities) in
    those areas. 3. In the year 2059 BS (2002 AD.) different natural
    disasters such as land slides and floods took place in different parts
    of world, which destroyed a lots of properties and lives of many
    people and the reason behind this is abnormal weather condition. In
    the same year the southern part of china also had to face heavy flood
    and loss of life and properties. In the same year, abnormal weather
    was experienced in south Asia during the monsoon season. The north
    eastern states of India : Assam , Meghalaya, Manipur , Bangladesh and
    eastern part of Nepal had to experience heavy loss of human lives,
    properties and ecological destruction due to floods caused by heavy
    rainfall. Whereas in the same year the government of India had to
    declare drought region to the northwestern part of India and had to
    provide relief measures. Along with this! the western part of Nepal
    also had to experienced drought. In the same way Europe continent also
    had to face floods and lots of natural disasters during the rainy
    season and the countries in the northern hemisphere experienced severe
    cold winter. Root causes of environmental degradation and imbalance of
    ecology are as follows:- i. Continuous emission of gaseous byproducts
    from the tens of thousands of industries situated all over the world
    in the cause of industrialization process since the time of steam
    engine invented by English scientist James watt in 18th century. ii.
    The globally ever increasing gases emission by the daily increasing
    numbers of motor vehicles which are already in millions in numbers
    that consume diesel and petrol as fuel. iii. Ever increasing volume of
    hundreds of thousands of cubic meter of gases emission by burning of
    natural gases, coals, kerosene, firewood! etc. by uncontrolled and
    continuously increasing trillions of human populations all over the
    world especially poorer, backward, illiterate, ignorant population of
    Asia, Africa and South America . The three major ever-growing causes
    mentioned above degrade not only the earth’s ecology and environment
    but also the atmosphere of earth. The Earth serves its inhabitance as
    green house since the time immemorial. Green house effect means the
    method of green vegetables cultivation by trapping the sunlight inside
    the green houses which are made of glasses in those very cold
    countries like northern and more cold regions of Russia, Canada, USA,
    united kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greenland, etc. in cold{
    winter ]season. On the other hand the gases of atmosphere like steam,
    CO2, CH4, N2O, etc. acts like the glass walls of green – house by
    preventing the sunlight heat to return back to space by trapping it in
    the atmosphere so ! above mentioned green house gases serves as
    blanket of the earth. That is why these gases are known as green house
    gases. Sunrays crossing through the atmospheric gases touch the huge
    mass of different forms of water of large rivers, large lakes and
    oceans, and land part of earth, which absorbs some part of heat from
    the sunrays. The rest part of the sunrays heat returns back to the
    space through the same way it entered the atmosphere. This is the way
    that above-mentioned gases of atmosphere balance the warmth of the
    Earth. If it failed to keep balance, the temperature of Earth
    decreases so down that the average temperature of Earth will fall as
    below as -180C in that situation life could hardly survive on the
    earth. The natural phenomenon of the Earth i.e. green house effect has
    continuously come serving all forms of life on earth. Because of the
    gradually increasing of above mentioned green house gases in t! he
    atmosphere causing blockages of access heat of sun light returning
    back again from the earth to the outer space. As a result the
    temperature of the Earth has now been gradually increasing for some
    decades. As the atmospheric pollution has been growing thicker and
    thicker ,the concentration of above green house gases is being
    increased continuously in the atmosphere causing some degree of
    blockage of returning of excess heat of sunlight from the Earth to the
    space. By this way more the increasing of atmospheric pollution,
    thicker and thicker will be the polluted atmospheric layer causing the
    lesser and lesser returning of excess sunlight heat from the Earth to
    the space. As mentioned above ever increasing concentration of green
    house gases in the atmosphere causing increasing of temperature of
    earth leading to disturbance of the Earth’s environment and ecology.
    By these processes above-mentioned problems ca! using sudden global
    warming leading to climate change which is human made disastrous
    phenomenon. iv. The desertification process happening in forest and
    green belt area of the world such as deforestation near the desert of
    Africa (Sub-Sahara region of Sahara desert). The worldwide ever
    increasing invasion over forests and green areas causing increasing of
    deforestation problem by each passing day. v. The CFC gas is being
    produced due to increasing modernization process of human society e.g.
    increasing trend in use of Refrigerator, AC and perfume products used
    and consumed by the large world population and the Aerosol gases
    formed while using insecticides in the name of better cultivation.
    These all human activities have been causing the destruction of ozone
    layer. vi. The worldwide ever-growing human population causing more
    destruction of remaining forests and green areas causing more
    desertification problem. vii. The ever increasing and rapid Global
    Urbanization process also causing ever increasing disastrous
    atmospheric and environmental pollution and ecological imbalance all
    over the earth. If today’s human society tries our best! to reduce the
    destruction of forest and green areas causing increasing of density
    and total areas of forest there will be less impact on environment and
    atmosphere of the earth. The Conservation of forest and greenery could
    stop more destruction of ozone layer caused by the activities of
    materialistic thought and lifestyle of consumption oriented human
    society of this so called modern world. Moreover, with above-mentioned
    human efforts there will be possibility to repair the holes on the
    ozone layer. If human society try their best to plant trees and help
    them to grown up making ever increasing forest covered areas even in
    the desert also there will be reduction and stoppage of
    desertification process and make rainfall possible even in the
    deserts. The forest and greenery areas of the earth is helping to
    survive the life of all living being on Earth, balancing the
    environment, ecosystem and atmosphere and keeping the air pure and
    fresh so that all living beings of Earth have been completing their
    life cycle without feeling scarcity of Oxygen. Although the greenery
    of the Earth is not only a part of earth’s composition but also the
    source of life for all living beings on earth. The dense forest and
    green belts areas of the world has been destroyed by the materialistic
    lifestyle of human beings of whole world particularly by the
    illiterate, poverty stricken, ignorant and fast growing huge
    population of developing countries. The importance of conservation of
    forest has not been yet compulsorily and sufficiently covered the
    subject matter of the schools curriculum. Awareness among the civil
    society of developed and developing countries is still not enough
    developed to understand the greater importance of conservation and
    promotion of forests areas all over the world. Moreover even the
    educated people are not being able to accept their social and human
    responsibility towards the protection and preservation of forests
    because of which forest is being destroyed continuously in worldwide
    manner. Despite of continuous destruction of forests and green areas
    due to above-mentioned problems there are still some surviving forests
    areas in some part of the world, which are as follows; a.) The Dense
    Amazon forest of Brazil b) The evergreen tropical forests of Africa,
    Indonesia , Malaysia , Thailand , Burma and north eastern States of
    India . c) Conifer forests of temperate regions e.g. Siberia and other
    cold geographical regions of the earth. If we the human being of the
    whole world try our best to increase the density and areas ! of
    forests all over the world which are having hundreds of thousands
    verities of plants depending upon the variation of climate and
    altitude of different regions of the earth so that our mother Earth
    will be more green. If we the people of the whole world try our best
    to plant thousands of types of small fruits trees and help them to
    grow up so that there will be thousands of types fruits covered fruits
    trees all over the world depending upon the variation of climate and
    altitude in different regions of the whole world. At the same time if
    the human being of the whole world try our best to plant thousands of
    types of colorful, beautiful and blossoming flowers all over the world
    depending upon the variation of climate and altitude of different
    geographical regions of the whole world. By these above mentioned
    human efforts there will be continuous increasing numbers of thousands
    of types of colorful and beautiful birds. These beautiful birds will
    happily sing, fly, roam and happily live their lives in the dens
    forests of the whole world. As well as hundreds of types of animals
    who live in the forest will also live happily in the dense forests
    which will be scattered over the whole world. At the same time there
    will be ever increasing numbers of bees also which will fly, roam and
    live happily over the large areas of fruits and flowers covered
    gardens which will be scattered all over the world. By these optimums
    human efforts we can make our mother Earth more greenery, beautiful
    and happy habitat for all the human being as well as all types of
    living being on earth. Destruction process of existing forest in the
    present world are:- ! 1. The commercialization of forests as a means
    of earning money like killing of golden egg laying hen to become rich
    at once that act of little knowledge will result fatal circumstance
    to! own next generations. 2. The global deforestation that has been
    practiced more and more for fulfilling the demands of increasing
    population and to make wooden houses and wooden materials for life
    hood especially in developing countries. The insufficient and
    undependable development of alternative energy that has fostered the
    increasing population of world to use forest as primary source of
    daily energy fore lively hood. For example ever increasing millions of
    village populations of the under developed countries of Africa, poorer
    and not developing countries of Asian and Latin American poor village
    people still use woods for kitchen fire as ell wood fire for heating
    homes purpose during winter season. The above mentioned destruction
    process are the cause of Nepal ‘s deforestation in ever growing manner
    that is still decreasing the remaining 29% of forest. Beside these
    destruction processes, one major process in ! Nepal is forest fire in
    dry season, which happen almost every year in the Terai and inner
    Terai region. The forest fire is mainly caused due to human action
    because of the fire burns hardly naturally and other species and
    animals couldn’t burn fire except man. The forest fire which are
    occurring in dry season due to villager and other irresponsible people
    themselves set fire in dry forest in dry season in Nepal ‘s low land
    of Terai and inner Terai regions. This short of inhuman and cruel
    action indicates the awareness of Nepalese society are still as that
    of Stone Age in true sense. Our society is still accepting the
    anti-social sinful crime like man made forest fire in every dry season
    in the remaining forests of Nepal also accepting as normal behavior.
    The following are the causes of forest fire in dry season. 1. The
    cowboys and shepherd believe that forest fire in dry season helps to
    grow nutritious grass after rain for their cattle, goats. 2. The
    hunters also burn fire to trap the prey. 3. The people’s habitations
    near forest invade the forest to fulfill their scarcity of cultivable
    lands so they burn forest to capture the land. This is mostly done by
    the landless people habitation near the forest areas. Most of the
    small delicate forest plants burn fast during the forest fire which
    prevents them from being tall trees. Likewise they scrape about 2-3
    inches at the bottom of the tree in circular way that slowly kill the
    trees and dry out. When fully dried out they burn fire in the trees.
    These activities are fostering the deforestation of dense forest. 4.
    The timber traffickers are illegally trading the years old tall trees
    and in dry seasons while walking in hidden way the dry leafs over
    ground make sound so they burn fire. The bad effects of forest fire
    are 1. The newly produced buds of plants dry out and near ground
    parts! ! of tall trees also burn. 2. The forest fire burns all-dry
    leafs, shrubs, bushes, herbs, dry and old trees and turn into ashes.
    3. The forest fire kills small insects, soil germs, eggs, baby
    chickens of many types of birds e.g. Peacock, wild hen etc which live
    over the ground surface of forest area. All the eggs, chicken and
    adult birds who lives inside the nest which are made over small
    branches and leaves of shrubs are also burn to death during forest
    fire. Those birds which are having nest over the branches of trees and
    birds who live over the branches of trees during the night time are
    burn to death if they can not run away to the safer places specially
    during forest fire at night time. The fire can harm the big animals
    that can run but sometimes they become so trapped that they are bound
    to die. 4. The forest needs compost fertilizers that it receives from
    the decayed residue of dry leaves, grasses, plants, bushes, etc. by
    the help of strong heat of sunlight and rain in summer season of each
    year. But the forest fire destroy all the collected dry leaves, other
    small plants, grasses, bushes, etc. over the ground causing burn to
    ashes which are washed away by the initial stage of rain of rainy
    season in each year. 5. The forest fire produces large volume of
    smokes which pollute the air in local level but large areas of forest
    fire pollute the air of larger area and pollute the higher level !
    atmospheric area if densely forested areas of large forest burn for
    many days. In this way higher he level of density of forest and larger
    the area of forest fire, burning for longer the period, there will be
    more serious and larger the area of air pollution and not clear and
    hazy weather due to heavy smoke produced by forest fire, which can
    cause some diseases like asthma, cough, pneumonia in children and eye
    irritations and people suffer from other health problems. 6. The
    voluminous smoke produced from the forest fire covers the atmosphere
    and makes it hazy that may disturb the mental well being of the people
    of the affected area. 7. The forest fire destroyed the value able
    herbal medicines, which are found in forest. 8. The forest fire
    occurring usually in dry season can last longer and it may result
    increase in temperature of the area and more dryness in atmosphere. 9.
    The forest fire when come under influence of strong wind can be more
    hazardous to the nearby villages and towns cause threat to the life
    and properties of people. We ,the human being, which are supreme among
    the living being of earth, intentionally burn the dry forest in the
    dry season. Although these weak, innocent, most friendly living being
    on earth, which are essence of life on Earth having very miserable and
    thirsty life in dry season. In this particular period they are! in
    utmost demand of water by any means, not forest fire made by human
    beings. The time has come to make aware about its importance of forest
    in order to protect it from fire. The following are the measures that
    can be done: 1. The habit of throwing off the burning piece of
    cigarette and matchstick must be prohibited while we are in the
    forest. 2. The people who settle nearby forest should learn to love
    and protect forest.. They must be taught the disadvantages of forest
    fire. 3. The professional wild life hunters from India in boarder area
    of forest in Nepal have been hunting wild lives since past time. Some
    aristocratic family also protects some Nepalese wild animal’s hunters.
    Strong law should be made to bring all hunters including these into
    the custody of Justice. The law most be necessarily and strongly
    implemented against wild life hunters. 5.The forest area should be
    handed over to the community consumers committee under the guidance
    and observation of governmental and non-governmental organizations. 4.
    Strong network against illegal trading and smuggling of woods and
    forest products including wildlife hunters should be necessarily made
    to guard the forest and its habitants. 5. The importance of forest,
    disadvantages of forest fire and environmental conservation should be
    essentially included in formal education of school and colleges. Dr.
    Kalyan Basnet Born and grown up in forest covered mountain village,
    Makadum Simle, Ramechap, Nepal medical officer in government hospital,
    Nepal for twenty years. MBBS, China (1984), MPH, Mahidol University (
    1996 ), Thailand .
    Chinese and Indians are narrow minded. people from both countries
    dangerously believe that they were and are citizens of : – great countries,
    most ancient civilization, were and are believing large countries hegemonic.
    Chinese are like robots, they followed Russia after about 25 years behind
    and became communists, followed Europe after about 100 years behind and
    dreaming and copying from Europe haphazardly to become capitalists, modern,
    luxurious, sophisticated, fast developing country.
    You American stop your car culture, enough is enough. You were and are
    teaching your children the car culture, as a social prestige, since more
    than one hundred years. Otherwise you will be doomed very soon.
    China , India , south east Asia : – Indonesia , Thailand , Malaysia , ….,
    brazil, east European countries, break away countries of former soviet
    union, Russia , any newly industrializing countries, who are being able to
    break the vicious cycle of poverty, do not follow the American car culture,
    otherwise all of you will also be doomed like America in near future.
    ………………………… …………………………
    date: 2 nov.,008,
    love physical labor and always do it.
    Never be lazy like Indians, Africans, ….
    Date, 12 Jan. 009
    Chinese, you are massively polluting the atmosphere through your out
    dated, gas juggling heavy industries, every day increasing millions of
    motor vehicles in your china, …..to make matter worse, why you Chinese
    were and are chain smokers of cigarette ? which were and are doing
    harm to your health, were and is shortening your precious lives, at
    the same time you cigarette smokers Chinese, you were and are harming
    the health of your children, your families, your communities,…..
    through passives smoking effects. as ever increasing millions of
    motors vehicles in china also, hundreds of millions of Chinese
    cigarette smokers, …..you are adding the pollution, causing cumulating
    effects, on environmental pollution of, all ready sick mother earth,
    due to world wide ever-increasing environmental pollution. did you
    Chinese learned, the chain smoking habits of cigarette smoking , from
    your late chair man Mao, late reformist leader teng siao ping, who
    were also chain smokers in their lives.
    Dr. Kalyan Basnet,
    mental Hospital , Kathmandu , Nepal


    Remember shastra : binu hari kripa trina na dole, Teach Nepali about
    this [ dharma ].
    O bhaiya !
    Sita ram sita ram sita ram kahiye
    Je bidhi rakhe ram se bidhi rahiye.

    Date. 9 Feb., 2010.
    Immediately, compulsorily,.., construct,.., fuel efficient,………..,
    kitchen, kitchen gas out letting pipes in the homes of all human being
    of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries
    ], where fire woods, cows dung, buffalos dung, and dung of other
    domestic animals, ……….., fired, kitchens are ever increasing day by
    day due to ever increasing population growth in these so called third
    world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] for the mainly
    following purposes : –
    1] to inhibit the ever accelerating destructions of forests in the so
    called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ]
    2] Immediately, compulsorily,.., construct,.., fuel efficient,………..,
    kitchen gas out letting pipes in the homes of all human being of so
    called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] to
    reduce the ever increasing occurrences of air way diseases, heart
    diseases, eyes irritation,………………, like : – chronic
    bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary [ lungs ] diseases, [ copd
    ], heart diseases due to chronic obstructive pulmonary [ lungs ], eyes
    diseases,……………………….,, due to long time exposure of smokes, fumes,….,
    produced from the fire woods, cows dung, buffalos dung, and dung of
    other domestic animals, ……….., fired, kitchens mainly to female
    population because most of the time, female population in the family
    prepare food in these kitchens in the villages of these so called
    third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ], where the
    kitchens are mostly fired by fire woods, cows dung,
    buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ………., in the homes
    of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever
    developing countries ] .
    16 may, 2010

    Nepali [ Nepalese ] are neither communists, democrats,…………………., nor
    royalists, they are simply hard core criminals.

  5. Date 6 sep., 2010.

    Oh ! over smart, over intelligent, over confident, over conscious, over skilled, over greedy, over selfish, over jealous, over luxurious, over reputed, over genius, over stubborn, always hungriness for money, matter, luxurious lives,…………..,. over arrogant,…………., human being, particularly heroes, heroines of the whole world. how can you afford to neglect, ignore, not concerned at all, damp care,………………., for the well being of mother earth ? you bloody human beings stop loving your babes rather immediately start to love earth where we the people of whole world are surviving, love atmospheric air from which we are surviving due to free availability of oxygen to breath in, drinking water from different natural water resources,
    of the whole world, surviving by the foods materials which are provided by plant kingdom.

  6. 6 oct. 2010

    Immediately Rescue Nepal please.
    Nepal already has been failed state in any manner.
    United nation organization [ UNO ] please urgently come to Nepal and
    try your best to make this tiny Himalayans country to become normal, safer place again. UNO please try you best for Nepal so that common people can work, study, roam ….freely, in remote village, Katmandu, smaller town in Nepal,………. …………….., at the same time foreign tourists also, can, roam,…………….., in remote village, Katmandu, smaller town in Nepal,………., without much fear…………., as it was some 20-30 years back.
    Dr.kalyan basnet
    Mental hospital, Katmandu,
    Majorities village people of Nepal.


    27 aug. 2010
    God bless you to the all good people of UNO [ united nations
    organization ] who were and are so kind hearted,……, who were trying
    their best and became successful to do the novel deeds and still
    trying their best doing to do all the novel deeds so that it became
    possible to continue the novel mission which helped so much and
    stopped the civil war of past and recent years, and is helping so much
    to continuously maintaining the peace, less suffering to the people of
    Nepal, who were and are living interior part of the world, who always
    remained, is being continuously remained isolated, ignorant, grossly
    illiterates, backwards,…………………….., in this very very small, land
    locked Himalayans country ,Nepal. Thanks so much. God bless you the
    good people of UNO.
    dr. kalyan basnet, home address : makadum, simle, ramechhap, Nepal.
    working address : mental hospital, Katmandu, Nepal.


    8 sep., 2010.
    Nepali are [ jyan maras = khuni ] murders. Some 10 -15 years back one young Nepali man stroked by khookuri and murdered the father Gaffney in cold blood manner , in lumbini guest house at night time when he was gone to visit the lumbinni, the birth place of lord Gautama Buddha for the sake of simply to take way some hundreds dollars, camera, and other simple and ordinary belongings of father Gaffney. father Gaffney was a good missioner and came to Nepal in his very young age with a beautiful dream that was to establish a good mission school in Nepal. with the help of god and good people, he became successful to establish the st.xavier’s and st. marry’s high school in Katmandu and dedicated his life for the good education for Nepali students who were and are able to get opportunities to study in those school. Nepali are [ jyan maras = khuni ] murders . they kill old, people, children, crippled, physically disabled, mentally disabled, even the
    critically ill patients,…………….., mercilessly, because they are addicted to kill the human being including all the living beings in Nepal.. some two months back Nepali murderer killed a street man [ rug picker ]on the spot with a knife, when he was searching for remaining thrown out foods in the piles of garbage, thrash, ……….,.in new baneshore street site, in Katmandu. Some one and half months back, one old widow women who was a Mrs.xx Rai was hacked and killed on the spot due to deep cut wounds by sword in upper chest because she could not give money regularly to the a gang of local hard core drug addicts young boys, young men at night time in her home in Dhahran town. She was living alone with the help of pension money she was getting from pension camp in Dhahran as her passed away husband was retired British solder.


    Date 6 sep., 2010.

    Oh ! over smart, over intelligent, over confident, over conscious, over skilled, over greedy, over selfish, over jealous, over luxurious, over reputed, over genius, over stubborn, always hungriness for money, matter, luxurious lives,………………………………………..,. over arrogant,………………………,. human being, particularly heroes, heroines of the whole world. how can you afford to neglect, ignore, not concerned at all, damp care………………………………………,. for the well being of mother earth ? you bloody human beings stop loving your babes rather immediately start to love earth where we the people of whole world are surviving, love atmospheric air from which we are surviving due to free availability of oxygen to breath in, drinking water from different natural water resources, of the whole world, surviving by the foods materials which are provided by plant kingdom.


    Thu 23, October 2008

    Rain water harvest
    people of whole world, particularly, to those people who were and are
    living in the hot, dry ,dusty, semi-barren, semi deserted lands of
    India , which are: Bihar , Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orisa, Andhra
    Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and other remaining states of India ,
    and southern plain land of Nepal ,which is called Madesh or Terai ,
    which boarders with the northern states of India , which are Uttar
    Pradesh, Bihar, and Bengal , who were and are facing scarcity of water,
    all the time for drinking, cleanings, washings, agriculture
    ,irrigation, farming, cultivation, plantation, forestry and other
    essential use. please do not be always too lazy, careless, damp caring
    ,arrogant ,stubborn ,passive, narrow minded, not curious for good
    things, jealous, crooked, hazardous, too much selfish, never having
    civic sense ,never trying for excellent, Nobel and wise, best ideas,
    thinking, works, societies, things, a€|.., insensitive, un productive,
    irresponsible, always producing too many children in the lap of the
    already sick mother earth and becoming ever increasing burdens to her,
    do not be cheaters, cunning ,unfaithful, spoilers, over suspicious,
    unfruitful, dirty and filthy, and pound foolish penny wise, always
    remaining illiterate about ecology, environment,! nature, about the
    cleanliness and beautifications of your owns homes, schools, colleges,
    universities ,dormitories, hostels, neighborhoods, villages, towns,
    cities, surroundings, factories, residential areas, temples, older
    people living shelters , kinder gardens, office complexes, public
    places, foot paths, roads, and â€|. always doing very harmful deeds to
    the owns towns, villages, communities, surroundings, ecology,
    environment and nature, doing nothing creative and innovative works,
    dependent to others all the time, do not drown, submerge into the
    flood water, and fall the victims of floods in each and every year,
    caused by the rain water during each and every year’s rainy season
    {monsoon period} particularly in India , Bangladesh , Nepal ,south
    China and other south east Asian countries, rather start to try your
    best to use, utilize, |the rain water of monsoon and bother for very
    useful things, which can be utilized in huge manner with very minimum
    efforts and works, etc……, rather start storing, conserving,
    utilizing, using the rain water in maximum way, ,whenever, wherever
    and however possible in your homes, surroundings: towns and villages,
    public lands, private lands, by making rain water catchments
    facilities e.g. water storing tanks ,water containers, pits, small
    ponds, reservoirs, man made lakes, etc, as soon as possible. because
    rain water was coming and is coming in your homes, your gardens, your
    farm lands, your plantation areas, your private forests, your private
    lands, in public forests, communities forests , national parks,
    government’s lands, public places, without any efforts, without paying
    single rupee, single cent, â€|. because, rain water was and is being
    provided freely by God for all the living beings, including human
    being, whether rich or poor ,living in cities or villages, of the
    developed countries or not developed countries of the whole world.
    Date. 9 Feb., 2010.
    Immediately, compulsorily,.., construct,.., fuel efficient,……….., kitchen, kitchen gas out letting pipes in the homes of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ], where fire woods, cows dung, buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ……….., fired, kitchens are ever increasing day by day due to ever increasing population growth in these so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] for the mainly following purposes : –
    1] to inhibit the ever accelerating destructions of forests in the so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ]
    2] Immediately, compulsorily,.., construct,.., fuel efficient,……….., kitchen gas out letting pipes in the homes of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] to reduce the ever increasing occurrences of air way diseases, heart diseases, eyes irritation,………………, like : – chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary [ lungs ] diseases, [ copd ], heart diseases due to chronic obstructive pulmonary [ lungs ], eyes diseases,……………………….,, due to long time exposure of smokes, fumes,…., produced from the fire woods, cows dung, buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ……….., fired, kitchens mainly to female population because most of the time, female population in the family prepare food in these kitchens in the villages of these so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ], where the kitchens are mostly fired by fire woods, cows dung,
    buffalos dung, and dung of other domestic animals, ………., in the homes of all human being of so called third world countries [ never, ever developing countries ] .


    Date 10 aug., 20010.
    Mongol origin :
    Mongol origin people of Russia particularly Mongol origin people of very very vast land of Siberia, other wilder lands of Russia,…………, which are still preserving very very precious ,useful, god given gifts which are forests, bush covered land, shrubs covered land, plant covered land, grass covered land,……….., of Siberia, other wilder lands of Russia,…………,.please stop, Put off, set off,……., the forests fires [ which are burning Russia since many many days ] of Russia, Siberia,………………, instantly, immediately, at any cost.
    Mongol origin human population repeatedly set fires [ do arsons ] in
    forests in dry season in Asia and may be all over the world where
    there Mongol origin population were and are living. repeatedly
    setting fires [ doing arsons ] in forests in dry season, were and are,
    the believe, tradition, culture, way of life,….., of Mongol origin
    population of whole world, which is strong, unchangeable,
    Un controlled, ever increasing human population of third world
    countries : – Nepal , India , Burma , Thailand , Indonesia , Malaysia
    , Philippines , ….. all the illiterate village living Mongolian
    origins human population of Asia, except Japan [ because developed
    civic sense in the Japanese citizen due to highly literate society ],
    china, north Korea [ due to strict communist rules leading to
    disciplined societies, severe punishment for criminals,…in respective
    countries ], Bhutan [ due to Buddhists way of life ].. all the
    countries of Africa, all the counties of central America, brazil,
    Peru, Bolivia, Columbia,…, had been, have been, and, are being the
    tradition, customs, communities believes, attitudes, practices, strong
    , un changeable, un shakable, norms, culture, habits,….. , for
    repeatedly to set fires [ do arsons ] in the near by forests [
    jungles ] in dry season, to invade, infiltrate, encroach,………, the forest
    regions, green areas,……, to fulfill the ever increasing scarcities of
    land for agricultures, for human settlements, habitants, …..for their
    always uncontrolled, always unplanned, haphazard,…………….,
    ever increasing, always illiterate, always irresponsible, always short
    sited , always criminal minded, …., Human population of always not
    developing third
    world countries.
    Mongol races
    Mongol origin [ Mongol races ] population of Nepal particularly : – tamang,
    rai, limbu, magar, gurung, tharu [ chaudhary ] ,chepang, …………….,
    different ethnic groups of bhote ,…………., do continuously encroach,
    infiltrate the remaining forests of Nepal, chop off the small plants,
    trees, of forests, put on, set fires in forests, during the every year’s
    dry season, causing rapid destruction of remaining forests of terai, chure
    regions, mahabharat, mid mountainous regions and forests of lekha [ higher
    altitude mountainous ] regions of Nepal.
    All the Mongol origin people were, are continually , die hardly,
    believing, doing, practicing, the their age old tradition of doing
    arsons, setting fires, …….., in the very very dry bushes, shrubs,
    pasture lands, green lands, forests,…………., during the every year
    year’s very very dry season .no bodies except God were are able to
    stop the Mongolian people of the whole world from doing such
    practices which were and are age old, tradition, passed from
    generations to generations . these forests firing practices by the
    Mongol people of whole world, which were and are practicing all over
    the world which were and are totally criminal practices. major portion
    of world’s population were and are Mongol origins. all the people of
    china, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia [except later migrated and still
    migrating south Indian Tamil people from India ] , Vietnam, Taiwan,
    Mongolia, Thailand ,Laos, Cambodia, Philippine, Korea, Japan,…………,were
    and are Mongol origins .majorities of central Asian people were and
    are Mongol origin either. all the ethnic people of Siberia, northern
    part of remaining part of vast country of Russia, ethnic people of
    northern Europe : – Sweden, Norway , Finland, Green land, Iceland,
    Denmark,……….., were and are Mongol origin. ethnic people of Canada ,
    Alaska , and remaining part of u s a, Australia , new Zeeland
    ,……….,were and are Mongol origin. all the ethnic people of Africa [
    except the north Africa, where majorities were and are Arab, near mediterean sea situated south
    European,…….., origins. So t the people of these region looks like, Arab, south European,……….,origins. All the remaining African people looks like Mongol origins, except
    their color of skin, type of hair, lips,….., So all the African people were
    and are doing, practicing age old tradition of intentionally,
    setting fires, in bushes, shrubs, pasture lands, forests ,…., during
    every year’s dry season like Mongol origins people. majorities of
    people of south America [ Latin America ] were and are also Mongol
    origins. so the village living people of that continent also practice
    the age old tradition, practice of encroachment, infiltration,
    destruction of forests like Mongol people did and doing. Majorities
    of the people of northern India and north eastern part of India : –
    Assam , Meghalaya, Arunanchal Pradesh, Manipure , Mizoram ,………….……..,
    are Mongol origins. majorities of northern Afghanistani, northern
    Pakistani were and are also belonging to Mongol origins. Majorities of
    central Asian people were and are belonging to Mongol origins.
    Majorities of Bhutani people, majorities of Sikkimi people belong to
    Mongo origins. majorities of south Indian people who were and is
    known as Dravidian people, they were and are also look like Mongol
    origins. Though Majorities of north Indian people belong to Caucasian
    origins but majorities of these Indian villages living people were
    and are still extremely primitive, illiterate, isolated, back ward,
    not developing at all. Some portion of these people are still living
    nomadic, gypsy, tribal,….., lives here in India . All the ethnic
    people of Andaman, NICO bar , …other remaining islands people of India
    were and are Mongol origin people.

  7. 1\4\2014
    human population who were, is being born, grown up in Kathmandu valley so called capital of papi Nepal are khate, non sense, idiots, deadly against nature. They were and are very happy eating ranga ko masu [ buffalos meats ] alcohol. They liked, are being happy to live in concrete jungles. They were and are being deadly against trees, shrubs, bushes, green grasses, forests. They were living streets of extremely primitive, narrow streets of Asan, Mahabaudha,in katmandu, bhaktapur,lalitpur…,
    which are central area of Katmandu and hide inside the extremely
    narrow, congested, not open, darkened [ dark even in the sun shine
    days ], [about more than 2000 years ago ancient Greek philosopher
    Socrates had already said that human being should not live inside the
    dark, congested, not well lighted,……., homes like some insects {
    khumle kira live in cow dong } live inside the extremely dark, narrow,
    not lighted { not lighted by sun light },……., homes but human must live in
    not congested, homes where sun light inter inside the rooms of homes,
    freely ], but Asan, Mahabaudha,wi ch are central area of Katmandu. At the same time the human inhabitants who were are being living in inside the
    dark, congested, not well lighted,……., homes bhaktapur, lalitpur…, inside the Katmandu valey were and are also being not ventilated, suffocating,…, primitive, old, crippled,……….., house
    At the same time the human habitants in bhaktapur, lalitpur…, were and are being lived more dark, suffocating, crippled,…….homes, buildings,..

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