Who Better to Represent the African Union than Robert Mugabe?

The BBC is reporting that the African Union has named Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe as its ambassador to southern Africa. According to the BBC,

Correspondents say his job involves promoting the ideals of the AU and raising funds for AU projects.

Mr Mugabe says his nomination shows Africa’s “admiration for Zimbabwe”.

What it shows is that the rhetoric among the African Union about promoting democracy and stemming corruption on that continent is simply the latest round of hot air from political leaders in that region.

Speaking of the situation in Liberia when Bush was visiting Africa last week, Thabo Mbeki said that African nations needed to do more of the heavy lifting in that continent. Instead, he and his fellow AU leaders are simply maintaining the status quo of making Africa safe for dictators and tyrants.

Zimbabwe opposition spokesman Paul Themba Nyathi characterized Mugabe’s selection as a betrayal of Zimbabwe and rightly characterized the AU as a “union of dictatorships.” Conveniently, the BBC reports that in addition to giving this post to Mugabe,

The Zimbabwe crisis was removed from the agenda of the AU summit.

And Mbeki and other African leaders wonder why Western nations are increasingly turning a deaf ear to that continent’s demands for economic assistance.


Mugabe African post condemned. The BBC, July 14, 2003.

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