SHAC Mob Harasses Elderly Couple

EDP24.Com Reported this week that a mob of angry activists from Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty showed up outside the home of PHyllis Clarke, 74, and Charles Clarke, 81, screaming at them about Huntingdon Life Sciences. Phyllis Clarke said,

At first I thought it was just over-excited schoolchildren playing in the road but it soon became obvious we were the target of this demonstration. There were these people wearing dark balaclavas shouting at us and asking where we worked.

Apparently the protesters believed that Phyllis or Charles Clarke worked at HLS or had some other connection with the company which they do not. Of course, trying to correct an animal rights activist with erroneous information is a Sisyphean task. Phyllis Clarke said,

I kept telling these people they had made a mistake but they would not listen and just became more abusive than ever. . . . Members of the mob kept asking me where I worked and would not listen even when I told them I was 74 and retired.

After the Clarkes placed an emergency call about 20 police arrived and forced the SHAC mob to leave house.

Another instance of that trademark animal rights compassion on display.


Couple targeted by animal rights protest. EDP24.Com, May 14, 2002.

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