Saudi Troops Massing? Puhleeze.

Via Instapundit comes the funniest headline of the week courtesy of Yahoo!, News,

Saudi troops mass on border with Jordan following reports of Israeli military buildup

Of course, this is not your father’s massing of troops. According to the report,

The eight brigades, compromising 8,000 soldiers equipped with armored personnel carriers and missile launchers, moved into the Tabuk region in northern Saudi Arabia, the officials said.

What are they going to do, committ mass suicide in protest if the Israelis provoke them? The last time I checked Israel has an army consisting of about 200,000 regular troops as well as 400,000 people who have had military training and can be called up very quickly. And, of course, equipped with all the latest military gear that the United States can sell them. If Israel wanted to it could once again route all of the Arab states in a shooting war. The Saudi buildup is simply that country’s version of a maneuver my cats love whereby they try to make themselves look bigger and meaner than they really are hoping it will deter potential threats. Of course Saudi Arabia’s biggest threat is Islamic extremism from within (which it actively promotes).

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