Over the weekend the following message was posted to an animal rights e-mail list. So far, however, there is no independent confirmation of this.
News just in – The SHAC offices in England, were raided earlier today [Friday 4th October]. Five computers were stolen by the police. Greg [Avery] and Heather [James] were arrested and taken into police custody. Greg has since been released but Heather remains in police custody. Donations are needed to replace stolen property,so that SHAC can continue their work to close down the animal torturers at Huntingdon Life Science. This is just another tactic on the part of the authorities to distrupt SHAC operations. The one consolation that can be gained from such actions is: if SHAC weren’t having an effect, the authorities wouldn’t be using such tactics. Postal Address: SHAC
c/o Lynn Sawyer
6 Boat Lane
WR11 4BP / UK Telephone: 0845 458 0630 Email: [email protected] MORE NEWS UPDATE AS WE RECEIVE IT
The SHAC offices in England were raided Friday, October 4th. E-mail Communication, October 5, 2002.