I guess I’m just too much of a law-and-order right winger. This story is even more disgusting than the teenagers who terrorized the family. A man in Great Britain lost his temper with a 22 month old girl he was babysitting because she had an accident while being potty trained.
So, of course, he turned on the tap until the water was 96 degrees celsius, and held her under it. The girl was burned over 32 percent of her body. She almost died, and has had 13 operations over the last six months.
The man received a 6 year jail sentence. An improvement over the hooligants who received such mild sentences for terrorizing that family, but come on — somebody who would stick a toddler under near-boiling water from a tap needs to spend at least 10 to 15 years in jail. That’s as good a demonstration as I can think of that this person is incapable of living in society.