Just what the world needed. Zoogi’s web site is impossible to navigate, but it’s a buddy list application targeted at gamers with a twist — gambling is built into the application as a core feature.
According to the promotional material,
Fact is, a game get’s much more exciting when accompanied by a friendly wager. Zoogi acts as an impartial matchmaker, hooking you up with buddies for friendly wagers and supervising the outcome. You can play any game from any gamesite whenever you want with whomever you want, for fun or a real money bet. Whether you put your money on the line or just play for fun, everyone can earn Zoogi points on our loyalty reward program. Zoogi points can be spent at the z-store, where we offer a wide variety of goodies.
Personally, I’ve always found that gambling tends to detract from the fun of a contest unless the money is very small (okay, I confess, I won a $1 bet on the Super Bowl).
Anyone want to bet on how long it will take before members of Congress start denouncing this product and calling for investigations?