Horne Loses His Appeal, Other Animal Rights Terrorists Going to Jail

In some good news on the animal
rights terrorism front, hunger striker-extraodinaire Barry Horne recently lost an
appeal of his conviction for a fire-bombing campaign in the United Kingdom.
Horne, 46, was sentenced in 1997 to an 18-year prison sentence for the

Horne’s fellow UK animal rights
activist and former spokesman Anthony Humphries was recently sentenced
to spend 7 years in jail for conspiracy to cause explosions and possession
of explosives. Humphries planned to firebomb drug firms that tested on

Closer to home, two Michigan
women were sentenced for their role in a raid on a Canadian mink farm.
The two women, Hilma Ruby and Patricia Dodson, plead guilty and were sentenced
to 90 days in jail and ordered to pay $34,000 apiece in fines for releasing
1,540 mink from the farm. According to the Canadian Mink Breeders Association,
this marks the first time a Canadian court has handed animal rights activists
jail time for a raid on a fur farm.


Their only crime was compassion… Frontline Information Service, Press Release, March 18, 1999.

Two Jailed in Canada Mink Farm Raid. Associated Press, February 22, 1999.

Animal activist loses appeal. The BBC, February 26, 1999.

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