One way not mentioned in the above suggestions is using satellites to perform what is being called precision farming. William J. Hudson of the Pro Exporter Network wrote a highly informative piece about precision farming in the Nov. 20, 1997 issue of Intellectual Capital. As Hudson describes it,
The first commercialized technology available to farmers along this line is called precision farming, which involves the use of detailed field maps and soil sampling, followed by the application of nutrients by variable rate spreading equipment (sometimes with the aid of GPS systems) — with a goal of putting the exact mix of nutrients next to plants and the soil types, which ill maximize their uptake and leave nothing behind.
This will potentially allow farmers to get higher crop yields while using even less fertilizer. All thats needed now is more satellites. Several other private companies are working on programs that should have satellites in orbit by 2005 and by 2010 the full extent of their effects should be known according to Hudson.