Yet Another Wife Beater for Animal Rights

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seems to have a soft spot for men who beat their wives, as it is featuring yet another wife beater as a spokesman for the group.

Earlier this year, of course, Dennis Rodman appeared in an anti-fur ad. Rodman apparently does not want furry animals hurt, but he had no problem assaulting his then-wife, Carmen Electra, during a 1999 incident.

Now, PETA has announced that Tommy Lee is appearing in one of its anti-fur ads.

According to a press release,

Tommy Lee first learned about PETA through longtime animal advocate Pamela Anderson. Says Lee in an interview with PETA, “I have actually been looking forward to getting involved. I get the PETA magazine, and what the fur trade does to animals is absolutely terrifying. A lot of hip-hop artists wear fur, and they think it’s a status symbol. That doesn’t register; I just see dead animals.

Now when it comes to human beings, all Tommy Lee sees is punching bags.

In 1998, Lee plead no contest to spousal abuse in Malibu Municipal Court and was sentenced to six months in jail. On February 24, 1998, his then-wife Pamela Anderson Lee called 911 saying that Lee assaulted her while she was holding the couple’s seven-week old infant.

Wearing fur or eating meat is apparently just like the Holocaust or slavery, but beating your wife apparently just elicits yawns from PETA.

On its web site, PETA warns that kids who are violent to animals might grow up to be violent to people. It forgets to add that adult who are violent to people are then eligible to become PETA spokesmen.


Naked Tommy Lee Declares, ‘Ink, Not Mink,’ In New Ad for PETA. Press Release, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Undated.