Now that contract tracing is starting to bubble up as a topic nationally, it was inevitable scam artists would start to pull attacks like this.

Just another nerd.
Now that contract tracing is starting to bubble up as a topic nationally, it was inevitable scam artists would start to pull attacks like this.
Recently the Android app I had been using to backup my SMS/MMS messages became unsupported, so I looked around for an alternative.
At the moment, it looks like SMS Backup+ is the best tool for the job.
It will backup SMS, MMS attachments, and the call log to Gmail and assign a label to them. It also has a range of other settings, like syncing the call log with Google Calendar.
And, on top of that, the app is free and ad-free (I did send a $5 donation as the app was easily worth that much to me).
I put the unlimited texting plan on my phone to very good use, but texting wouldn’t be nearly as useful if it weren’t for SMS Backup and Save MMS.
SMS Backup automatically copies all of your incoming and outgoing text messages to your Gmail account. It can add a Gmail label to them — I use the very creative ‘SMS’ default label. And that’s it. Its nice, and in my case, very helpful to have the tens of thousands of texts I’ve sent and receive indexed and searchable from within Gmail.
Save MMS takes care of the one texting feature that SMS Backup doesn’t handle — photos, etc. sent via MMS. Save MMS will show you all the photos and other multimedia attachments that have been sent to you, and let you save them to the phone’s SD card.
Not very sexy, but extremely helpful and indispensable applications.