Group Publishes Personal Information of Bank Staff

A group calling itself No Justice, Just Us published names, addresses and phone numbers of State Street employees on a web site before the site was taken down.

Animal rights activists have targeted State Street because of alleged links it has with Huntingdon Life sciences.

The web site published the personal details about employees of State Street in addition to employees of HLS and HLS customer Yamanouchi, along with this message,

Make the bastards pay. . . . You will find after the list [of employees] is a selection of tips and tricks for smashing the monsters who must pay for murdering the animals at HLS.

. . .

The people listed here are not bit part players. They are the ones that matter. Think about what is going on inside Huntingdon and don’t feel frustrated . . . take out all that anger on the people listed here.

Although Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty launched a campaign against State Street in October 2003, it claims it has no connection with No Justice, Just Us.


Bankers Named On Animal Rights Site. Allison Martin, TheWharf.Co.UK, February 12, 2004.