Animal rights activist Judy Reed, who runs an Internet group that churns out letters for activists to send to various companies, posted an amusing letter on March 22 upset at a Pfizer television ad. The ad is for Pfizer’s Zyrtec allergy medicine and as to why Reed was upset by the ad, well, here’s what she wrote,
Action #1:
Have you seen Pfizer’s Zyrtec drug ad where the woman states, “Either I have to get rid of my allergy medication or get rid of Rufus.” She is referring to her presumably adored companion dog. Please tell Pfizer why you object to this ad and that animals are not “things” to get rid of. And, at the very least, anyone who must give up a companion animal should be responsible about finding a good home for the pet.
. . .
A human with a very serious allergy with which he/she cannot function, or which is life threatening, should not adopt a pet.
Reed is apparently aware of the phenomenon of adult onset allergies which can be quite a shock to people used to having no problems around animals. But then Reed doesn’t sound like much of a brain trust.
But, for the record, I encourage all animal rights activist to write of their outrage at this ad as well. That will give someone at Pfizer a good laugh when they realize what the animal rights activists are upset about this time around.
Pls contact Pfizer re: Anti-Animal Ad and Web Site. Judy Reed, E-Mail, March 22, 2003.