Why Do People Abase Themselves and Their Values for Donald Trump?

This is truly the one thing I do not understand about Donald Trump. Look at one of his campaign’s attorneys, Jenna Ellis, for example.

In 2016, Ellis wrote a Facebook post saying,

I could spend a full-time job just responding to the ridiculously illogical, inconsistent, and blatantly stupid arguments supporting Trump. But here’s the thing: his supporters DON’T CARE about facts or logic. They aren’t seeking truth,” she wrote in March 2016. “Trump probably could shoot someone in the middle of NYC and not lose support. And this is the cumulative reason why this nation is in such terrible shape: We don’t have truth seekers; we have narcissists.

Yet four years later, there she is trying to help Donald Trump overturn the results of an election telling reporters,

Your question is fundamentally flawed when you’re asking ‘where’s the evidence’?

What is it about the boorish orange oaf that makes people abandon their principles and integrity so completely?