Reusable, Microwavable Desiccants

I have thousands of DVDs neatly filed into storage cases and then placed in RubberMaid storage boxes and finally placed on shelves in my basement. One of my major concerns is keeping the DVDs from being exposed to moisture.

For a bit of added protection, Light Impressions Direct sells reusable desiccant canisters.

Put these in storage containers to absorb any moisture and maintain an acceptable level of humidity. Periodically microwave them to remove moisture and reuse. Very cool.

An Ultraportable Document Scanner

Just when you think it is safe to go back into the technology store, along comes a gadget like the Planon RC800

That, my friends, is a scanner. And, according to this review at ThinkComputers.Org, its a pretty damn fine scanner given its pen-sized shape and weight.

The damn thing even has an internal mini-SD slot so the amount of scanned pages it can store is expandable. *Drool*.

Must. Resist. Temptation. To. Order. Now.


DocuPen review. Kris Brozio, ThinkComputers.Org, February 18, 2006.