Steve Coogan's Animal Rights Controversy

One of the silliest animal rights controversies in recent months has to be the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisectoin’s outrage over a planned new television show by comedian Steve Coogan.

Coogan’s new animated for the BBC series is “I Am Not an Animal.” As UK Newsquest Regional Press describes it,

The adult cartoon . . . will portray animals living a pampered life in a luxurious club class wing of a secret lab. The characters — a horse, cat, sparrow, monkey, cat and dog — are fed vintage wine and exquisite food and are blissfully unaware of the outside world. They are appalled when they are liberated by animal rights activists and forced to rough it in their natural surroundings.

The BBC is marketing “I Am Not an Animal” as a UK answer to “The Simpsons,” but BUAV says the concept isn’t funny.

BUAV claims the cartoon needs to remember that animals in laboratories endure “horrendous cruelty.” BUAV’s Wendy Higgins said,

We really hope these rumors are false because to portray the lives of lab animals as antyhing other than a living torture would not only be deeply crass but also irresponsible.

A spokesman for the show responded that the series, “. . . looks at anti-vivisection in a satirical way.” Of course there’s no other option, since most activists don’t even to take their own movement seriously (if they did, they wouldn’t keep spouting the same old distortions and lies).


Coogan in animal rights row. Barbara Davidson, UK Newsquest Regional Press, November 16, 2002.

European Union Agrees on Cosmetics Testing Ban — Well, Sort Of

The European Union this month finally reached agreement on a law that will ban animal testings on consumer products as well as the marketing and sale of products that are tested on animals outside of EU countries. But the ban has significant loopholes that make it unlikely that animal testing for such products will end anytime soon.

The agreement to amend the EU’s 1976 Cosmetics Directive defines 14 different types of tests currently performed on animals to determine the safety of consumer products. Of those 14 tests, 11 will be banned outright — well, at least they will be banned by 2009, assuming there are no later extensions to that date.

The three remaining tests are designed to measure toxicity and potential reproductive side effects of chemicals. Those tests don’t have any viable alternatives to using animals. So they are set to be banned in 2014, unless there are still no viable alternatives by then in which case those tests can be granted a 10 year extension. So maybe by 2024, the EU might be looking at banning all testing on animal products.

Don’t hold your breath, though, as even the animal rights groups pushing for the ban note that this is unlikely. Wendy Higgins of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection told The Guardian,

This has been an extremely long battle to convince Europe to finally stop killing animals in cosmetics test. But there are too many loopholes and there will never be a complete sales ban. As long as this is tied to non-animal testing alternatives it is doomed because there are only a handful available.

Meanwhile, the ban on products that are tested on animals outside of Europe is likely to face a strong challenge in the World Trade Organization. Great Britain, which already bans animal testing on consumer products in the UK, had long opposed these changes precisely because of that concern, but it and France finally withdrew their opposition this time around after the years-long delay was added to the agreement.


Consumer Policy: Conciliation agreement on animal test ban does not go down well. European Report, November 9, 2002.

New deal on animal testing. Ian Hernon, Liverpool Echo, November 9, 2002.

Activists hail EU’s ban on animal testing. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Calgary Herald, November 8, 2002.

Ban agreed on using animals to test cosmetics. Daily Post (Liverpool), November 8, 2002.

Cosmetics tested on animals to be banned: Campaigners give guarded welcome to EU deal. Andrew Osborn, The Guardian (London), November 8, 2002.

Compromise between EU governments, legislators paves way for possible 2009 ban on animal-tested cosmetics. Paul Ames, Associated Press, November 7, 2002.

Animal rights slam EU testing ban. Avirl Stephens, CNN, November 7, 2002.

Americans for Medical Progress Reports on Animal Rights 2002

So far this year, there has been little major media coverage of Animal Rights 2002 (as opposed to the 2001 edition, where the Washington Post and other newspapers reported on the event). Peter Singer’s rantings against Christianity garnered some negative coverage in conservative newspapers, but otherwise the event was off the media radar.

As it did last year, Americans for Medical Progress produced an excellent look at the conference, which is reproduced with permission below. Also, AMP recently redesigned its web site and the results are really slick looking with a lot of good information and resources. Check it out at AMPEF.Org.

Animal Rights 2002 Conclave Maps New Arenas
In Activists’ Fight Against Medical Progress

Sunday, July 7, 2002

While it is tempting to lead off a report about last week’s national animal rights convention with a series of strident activist quotes, each more threatening than the last, to do so would be a disservice to AMP News Service readers. For while heated rhetoric was to be heard in various workshops and plenary sessions, the overwhelming message was much more insidiously threatening: the animal rights movement’s leadership is maturing and their organizations are focusing an increasing amount of their resources and energies not on protests and violent actions, but on tools of policy development, litigation, legislation, and education to bring about public acceptance of the animal rights philosophy and agenda. It is important that the biomedical research community understand that the animal rights movement’s offensive is multifaceted and that its leaders are sophisticated in manipulating political, legal and financial environments to achieve their goals.

The in-fighting, contradictory messages, and fractured leadership that was so evident at other animal rights conventions in recent years was submerged for this meeting, if not truly eliminated. Time and again, workshop leaders warned that comments attacking activist leaders, groups or tactics would not be tolerated. PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk, who did not even attend last year’s convention because of widespread and open hostility among activists about PETA’s media campaigns, was interrupted several times by whoops and cheers as she delivered a keynote address that can only be described as Classic Newkirk.

A common focus of the panels and workshops was on developing new coalitions and alliances, manipulating the political and legal systems to achieve activist objectives, and framing the campaign for animal rights within a broader social justice movement.

The new level of cooperation among the major animal rights organization was seen in a tangible way at the end of the convention, when the Humane Society of the United States sent out a news release announcing that it was joining with PETA, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, New England Anti-Vivisection Society, Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group, American Anti-Vivisection Society, National Anti-Vivisection Society and Doris Day Animal League in demanding that the U.S. Department of Agriculture restore USDA inspection reports of research facilities to its website. The detailed reports had been removed from the website while questions of their accuracy and the security of the inspected facilities are addressed. (See the separate AMP News Service item on July 5, 2002 for more information about the APHIS e-FOIA challenge. We will keep our subscribers informed of developments in this matter.)

Three new initiatives aimed at increasing coordination among the animal rights groups were announced at the AR 2002 convention:

  • Every year since 1985, the top leaders of the national animal rights groups have held a small, private gathering called Summit for the Animals, at which they try to reconcile differences and build coalitions. Alan Berger of the Animal Protection Institute noted “I don’t think that it is any secret that the Summit for the Animals has not been as effective as it might be.” He offered few details, but said the leaders are changing the Summit “to set up a kind of association or format where organizations ata national level, and not only that, but set up ways in which they can work together with other associated-type animal organizations and work on the grassroots level.”
  • At the same session, Kim Stallwood, a longtime veteran of the animal rights movement, announced that The Animals Agenda, an activist magazine that has been published for over two decades, was going “on hiatus” so that the organization behind it, the Animal Rights Network, could develop the Institute for Animals in Society. He said there would be three program areas: research analysis and policy, education and training, and inter-movement study and cooperation to more fully integrate the animal rights cause into the broader social justice agenda. He said he plans to work with colleges to develop a course on animal advocacy and public policy and hopes ultimately for an accreditation program in which students “learn social movement politics, learn about the issues, learn about being a more effective advocate, learn about our opposition.”
  • Julie Lewin of Animal Advocacy of Connecticut announced the formation of the National Institute for Animal Advocacy (NIAA). She described NIAA’s purpose as “to create a political culture in the animal rights movement and to raise the level of discourse.”

It is not clear at this writing how, or if, these initiatives will integrate.

Biomedical Research Concerns

Prior to the AMP News Service report on the activists’ broader approaches to their campaigns and policy initiatives, here is our coverage of discussions relating to some specific concerns of the biomedical research community:


A panel discussion on the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) turned up surprisingly little new information. The American Anti-Vivisection Society’s Tina Nelson, a key lobbyist for the inclusion of rats, mice and birds in AWA provisions, spoke for just a few minutes about the animal rights lobby’s recent defeat on the issue. She did note that while the search is on for a legislative vehicle to reverse the exclusion of these species, “the climate is not good to introduce legislation now.” Neither Nelson nor the others in the panel mentioned Campaign/50, the new initiative by a number of activist groups to go state-by-state to push for state governments to regulate the care of research rats, mice and birds. This effort was mentioned briefly in another workshop, but little was offered to indicate the direction of Campaign/50.


Several speakers expressed their concerns about the proposed move of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the proposed cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security. Attorney Wendy Anderson of the Animal Legal Defense Fund said that it was vital that APHIS keeps its “funding, authority and staff together or the law (Animal Welfare Act) will be off-line.” Anderson noted that Congress is “receptive to animal rights arguments” and that federal legislation will remain an avenue for achieving animal rights objectives, as will litigation to further the legal standing of animals.

Sara Amundson, lobbyist for the Doris Day Animal League, spoke of a continuing frustration animal activists have with the USDA. She noted that while animal rights groups had supported increased appropriations for the USDA in years past, that might not be the case in the future, if the agency fails to increase its APHIS inspection staff and regulatory enforcement efforts. She encouraged activists to write to members of the committees for appropriations and agriculture in both branches of Congress, saying that they “do not want their tax dollars to go to a slipshod organization (the USDA).” Emphasizing the need for grassroots involvement, Amundson told the audience, “You don’t know how important your letters to Congress are.”

One Belgian activist on the panel supported this point, offering that the Belgian Public Health minister gets more mail on animal welfare than on any other issue. The public policy successes conveyed by European activists, most notably, Michelle Thew of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, were enthusiastically received by conference participants.


Michael Budkie of Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN) issued a call for volunteers for a “National Primate Freedom Week” scheduled for August 24 through September 2 this year. Few details were forthcoming, but it can be expected to target primate research facilities with tactics such as those used during past “World Weeks for Animals in Laboratories”-events designed to capture media attention. Thus far, Budkie’s call has not beenpicked up by any major animal rights group. AMP News Service is monitoring activists’ plans and will keep targeted institutions informed.


“When HLS goes, we are going to start on the researchers, and biomeds and we’re going to get them too.”
– Kevin Jonas, SHAC

Dressed in a blue oxford-cloth button-down collar shirt, SHAC’s American organizer, Kevin Jonas, appeared more respectable than in previous appearances, and his rhetoric was significantly toned down from some of his past diatribes before activists.

Flying in the face of facts and corporate reports, and offering little about his group’s future direction, Jonas relentlessly declared victory in SHAC’s campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences. He was clearly posturing, working hard to keep the activists motivated and focused on a campaign that is in truth beginning to run on empty.

“This is a fight that when push comes to shove, I’m ready to push, shove, kick and I’m ready to win,” Jonas vowed. “When we shut down HLS, we’ll move onto the next, the next, and the next.”

Jonas said that SHAC’s preferred tactic is economic sabotage, going after institutions’ funding sources. Corporations and researchers, he said, are used to seeing protestors, “so you can’t shame them or embarrass them.” But, he said, “When you go to their funders’ doorsteps and their funders’ neighbors’ doorsteps, they don’t think it’s quite so funny.”


Although many speakers throughout the convention opined that protests are passé and are now unlikely to generate either significant media coverage or public support, an exception was made in one arena of interest to the research community: protests targeting health charities and universities on the issue of the use of animals in research.

Andrew Butler, who is involved in developing PETA’s anti-research campaigns, claimed universities could be pressured into foregoing animal research contracts if they thought that alumni would stop their donations. He named homecoming activities and other alumni events as prime opportunities for informational protests and leafleting. One tactic he suggested: attending university or health charity fundraising dinners and then attempting to propose a toast. When all glasses are raised, he said, “Offer a toast to the day that the (name of institution) ends all research with animals.”

Butler claimed that activists showed up at 300 March of Dimes WalkAmerica fundraising events in the past year. He discussed PETA’s tactic of visiting local chapters of charities such as the March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association, that can be pressured directly and, he believes, more effectively than the national headquarters of those charities. Butler also noted PETA’s use of billboards, letters to newspapers and leafleting to raise local public and media awareness of PETA’s ongoing campaign against health charities.

Michael Budkie of SAEN urged activists to do their “homework” before taking on a university’s research program-to learn all they can about the research before launching their campaigns.

Ray Greek of Americans for Medical Advancement (AfMA) said, “Some people such as myself believe that protests in front of Johns Hopkins or wherever do great for raising awareness in the local community, but animal experimentation is funded by the federal government (sic) and that is Congress and the NIH. So it is really almost irrelevant what you do on a local level: NIH is still going to be pumping $10-20 billion dollars a year into vivisection.”


Representatives of both PETA and In Defense of Animals (IDA) said that a major component of their anti-research campaigns will remain the infiltration of research facilities. Matt Rossell, who has worked with both PETA and IDA and was a key figure in infiltrations at Boys Town National Research Hospital and the Oregon National Primate Research Center, urged activists to follow in his footsteps. Some of his suggestions for successful infiltrations are listed here because they may suggest potential vulnerabilities:

  • Get a job as a laboratory animal caretaker-and don’t worry about your record as an activist. “We cannot underestimate the stupidity of our enemy” in conducting background investigations. He said that few want the low-paying jobs and most facilities are continually recruiting. Relax during the interview, he said, and don’t panic. Practice answering interview questions about your animal rights beliefs (they are seldom asked, he notes.) Study your co-workers and make yourself fit in by the way you look, dress and talk.
  • Figure out when you can have access to the animals to videotape or photograph conditions. Calculate your risks, assuming that each picture may be the last one you get the chance to take. Learn camera techniques to ensure quality images.
  • Listen, observe, document. Rossell claims that people gossip about the experiments. Use a mini-tape recorder to document your day.
  • “Places get lax,” said Rossell. “Once you are an employee, you’re just part of the machinery.
  • Rossell urged infiltrators to “make friends” with their co-workers. “Scientists write the protocol but technicians have to do the dirty work (with the animals). When animals are abused there are usually people being abused, too,” Rossell claimed.
  • Rossell warned infiltration wannabes to check state laws regarding “undercover investigations” and photographic/recording without permission, but adds that even if there is a case, a research facility is unlikely to prosecute.

Rossell added that In Defense of Animals was hiring activists and urged interested individuals to talk with him.

Paul Shapiro of Compassion Over Killing, who has also participated in several infiltrations, talked about wearing glasses with tiny cameras fitted into the frames that allowed him to get videotape of co-workers and their handling of animals.

Gene Bauston of Farm Sanctuary noted that many undercover jobs are available through the national animal rights groups, but many demand a long term commitment. He noted that it is best to be in one facility for a long time to establish what he called “patterns of abuse.”

Michelle Thew of the British Union Against Vivisection stressed the need to use both scientific and moral arguments against animal based research and said that undercover work is the “hallmark” of anti-researchactivism, and will continue to be so. But, she said, activists mustknow the science, know when alternatives to animal testing are appropriate and she acknowledged that digging for such information was “tedious work.” She said that activists needed to “think globally and act globally” to work together on anti-research objectives and to share information across borders.


The tension over the approaches activists take in arguing for animal-free research was never more apparent than in a convention workshop called Animals in Research in which Ray Greek, M.D., of Americans for Medical Advancement and Joan Dunayer, author of ‘Animal Equality” debated the issue.

Greek argued that the activists’ campaign must focus on what he called the “scientific invalidity” of animal-based research, but warned that “Now, from the scientific perspective, the stuff that I do is difficult to communicate. Anybody who sat in on the plenary session last night andheard me do pharmagenomics in 10 minutes can probably appreciate that.”

Dunayer portrayed herself to the audience as an “ex-vivisector,” butaccording to the biography on accompanying the description of her book, she is a writer and former English instructor. She does have three masters’ degrees, one of which is in psychology, and so may have had some animal research interaction during her studies.

She argued that the debate on research must focus on moral grounds.”I don’t believe we should be trying to affect the scientific establishment.
I think we should be trying to win the public, who would then coerce the NIH and our legislators to ban vivisection.” The debate between Greek and Dunayer became so heated that Theo Caputo of the New England Anti-Vivisection Society, a co-panelist, was finally thrust into the role of peacemaker, saying that both scientific and moral approaches could be effective when used in proper context.


“Nothing is more important than how our movement is portrayed in the media And nothing is more important than our movement.” – Bruce Friedrich, PETA

Kim Stallwood, who has played an influential role over the past two decades of the animal rights movement’s growth, talked to the activists about the five stages a social movement must go through: Public Education. Policy Development. Legislation. Litigation. Public Acceptance. He acknowledged that the stages are not clear cut. “Things happen all at different times, often serendipitous, but we need to expand our focus of activities to include these other activities (beyond public education),”he said.

“More and more people are understanding what animal rights means; learning to become cruelty-free or vegan. Not everyone is going to change like we have,” Stallwood noted. “We are going to have to understand that not everyone is like us. For many people, animals are just not that important. So we need to understand that while we will change as many people as we can, we will also have to be agents of change in the institutions that make up society.”

Several workshops dealt with the question of how to chose a target, and what to consider before launching a campaign. PETA’s Tracy Reiman gave a compelling inside look at how PETA thinks about its targets and campaigns . . . and it is must reading for any CEO or research administrator who feels his/her facility might be on the animal rights radar screen.

From Reiman’s list:

  • First question is whether to take a campaign on? Who are you targeting? The public? A company? Both? Reiman discussed how PETA’s campaign against McDonald’s, while attempting to get the company to accede to its demands, also presented PETA with a strong opportunity to utilize McDonald’s brand recognition in educating the public.
  • What is the goal of the campaign-total liberation or small, incremental changes? Is it reasonable? Realistic? Will it turn people away or turn them around? Don’t set your sights too low. You can do far more than youmight think. The power of negative publicity cannot be overestimated.
  • Can you win the campaign? Do your homework. Does your target have a history of making changes based on demands/pressure from groups? Is the company vulnerable to a media campaign? “You know the phrase kick them when they are down? Well, it is a good time to get some concessions when that happens. A company whose stock prices have plummeted is more likely to make changes to forego bad publicity than one that is doing well.”
  • Are you able to keep up a sustained campaign? “A company can deal with a few protests if they think they are going to go away quickly. We have to show these companies that once we start something we will finish it . . . Keep them guessing what is next; keep them wondering if this will ever end.”
  • Don’t call things off too soon. There is a fine line between getting what you want and getting what they are willing to give.
  • Don’t be afraid of keeping a campaign going while you are in negotiations with a company. Sometimes a campaign must last a little longer to get everything you want.
  • “It is as much of a public relations game as it is a serious effort to change things for animals.” Reiman observed. She talked about the use of tactics ranging from letter writing campaigns to street theatre and civil disobedience.
  • “Finally, don’t be afraid to do or say controversial things. Don’t be afraid to embarrass yourself. We can take ridicule because we know it is a first step toward change for the animals,” Reiman exhorted her audience.


“The way to translate diffuse public concern about issues-animals or otherwise-into political power is through the creation of voting blocs at the Capitol, the city or county levels.” -Julie Lewin, National Institute for Animal Advocacy

Claiming that “opponents” are better organized than the animal rights movement now and are in control of the political landscape in every state, activist Julie Lewin said, “We are squandering our potential by not being organized,” and not having “an accountability system” in place for politicians. Lewin said that full-time lobbyists need to be placed in every state capital and statewide databases need to be established of legislative voting records and animal rights-interested voters by district.

To support her point, Lewin offered this axiom: “A politically organized minority on an issue can drive public policy on that issue because every politician knows that a politically organized minority can swing elections.” She pointed to the National Rifle Association as a voting bloc of unparalleled success. “In Connecticut, less than two percent of the voters are licensed hunters,” she said, “and yet they drive wildlife policy, they are so well organized.” According to Lewin, the NRA records and disseminates the voting record of every state legislator. Then, she said, NRA’s special interestvoters “reward or punish” the legislators at the polls.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) does the same on the national level. Just in time for the animal rights convention, it released its “Humane Scorecard” for the 2001 session of the 107th Congress. Currentlyhyped on the HSUS home page with the tag line “find out who was naughtyor nice,” it may be found at, along with a myriad of online tools for grassroots activists to make their voices heard. Readers are told, “It’s the time to ask for an explanation of a troublesome vote or to express your satisfaction with their performance.”

Wayne Pacelle, a senior vice president of the HSUS, concurred with Lewin’s analysis of the need for political organization, but warned that the necessary political work is “not something that can be done by a few lobbyists, a few key people who work on Capitol Hill. A successful political movement for animals, women’s rights, young rights, whatever it may be, involves people in communities and those people must get to know the issues, know how the political process works, know their elected officials and try to influence the outcome of the process by inserting themselves into it. We (professionals) can walk the halls of Congress 15 hours a day, but without people being informed on how the process works, without a movement energized and mobilized on the issue, we will be doomed to marginal success.”

Pacelle talked about Humane USA, the first major political action committee (PAC) focused on animal rights objectives, formed in 1999 by the HSUS, Fund for Animals, Farm Sanctuary, ASPCA, Doris Day Animal League, Animal Welfare Institute, The Ark Trust, Animal Rights Foundation of Florida, and other animal activist groups. Its board of directors, advisory board, and advisors are key grassroots and national animal rights leaders. Pacelle said that Humane USA will spend about $400,000 on political campaigns this year and revealed that the Humane USA PAC is trying to get organizers within all 435 Congressional districts.

Gene Bauston of Farm Sanctuary noted the success of political action committees that can direct funds to candidates and political parties. “A political committee like Humane USA helps get good guys elected and bad guys thrown out. And when our movement has the sort of muscle like that to wield some influence to help good candidates and hurt bad candidates, they start listening to us a lot more and they are more apt to fight for our issues . . . Agribusiness and the animal exploiting businesses have for years been playing in this realm and have been working to keep their friends in Congress. With (Humane USA PAC) we now have a vehicle to keep our friends in Congress.”


Although the clear focus of the majority of the sessions at the Animal Rights 2002 convention was on matters such as coalition-building and working the political and legal system from within, those who advocate the use of violence in the name of animal rights were also able to get their say.

“Every social justice movement has embraced violence and every successful social justice movement has utilized violent tactics to achieve their goals. I don’t think it is possible without that. I think we have to quit waiting until everyone is behind us before we embrace new tactics.” – Jerry Vlasak, Animal Defense League

Jerry Vlasak of ADL and Kevin Jonas of SHAC both tried to justify the use of violence as an acceptable tactic in what Jonas called “the animal rights arsenal.” Vlasak recounted a discussion he had with activists earlier in the day about how violence would have been acceptable in Nazi Germany, to attack trains that were carrying Jews to concentration camps and kill the guards. Vlasak asked why that was any different “than doing the same thing here in the United States under the current conditions where we are shipping tens of billions of animals to slaughter a year. So, I think from a moral standpoint the case can be made that there is really no moral difference between saving animal lives and saving human lives in other situations.”

“Why shouldn’t any one of us think ‘it shouldn’t be me’ taking that brick and shoving it through that window? . . . It’s not hard, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist. You don’t need a four year degree to call in a bomb hoax. These are easy things and they are things that save animals.” – Kevin Jonas, SHAC

Jonas made an impassioned defense of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and its violent actions, saying the ALF had inspired the animal rights movement through its “direct actions” in the mid-1980s and 1990s, and that it continues to be driven by compassion, frustration and “recognition that social movements must employ a variety of tactics.”

The animal rights movement, Jonas said, has been called a struggle “because it is, it is a struggle. It is hard, it is hard work. It takes sacrifice. People have gone, and are going to go, to prison. People have been hurt. People have been sued. People have been deported from countries. People have died-and are going to die.” While selected sessions were given over to such advocacy of violence, speakers in other sessions emphasized non-violence. Ken Shapiro of Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said, “Violence as a tactic has to be off the map.” SAEN’s Michael Budkie indicated that violence and the perception that “we’re a bunch of crazies” hashurt the movement.


PETA founder and president Ingrid Newkirk delivered a keynote address Sunday evening (June 30) to a very receptive audience. Her speech was one that could have given any time during her 25 year career in the animal rights industry. Rather than focusing on the specific issues being raised in the convention’s workshops and panels, she laid out her broad view of a world in which animal rights prevailed. Her speech was classic Newkirk, unwavering and unapologetic. Clichéd and quote ridden, riddled with stories about vegan hot dogs and the chickens she calls “my girls,” and delivered passionately, it appeared by the enthusiastic response to be just what her devotees were seeking. A few snippets may give a flavor of the whole:

“I stand before your this year a little baffled because I have been named by name by the State of Wisconsin as a good reason to pass their state’s anti-terrorism legislation. Was it something I said? It turned out it actually was. Right here in America, formerly the land of free speech, I said that yes, I do hope that foot and mouth disease would come here. I didn’t say I planned to go out and get it and bring it back here, I just answered an honest question with an honest answer.”

“There is absolutely no trick in looking back on the greatest injustices of our time-the obvious ones: holocaust, slavery-and condemning them. We understand that, we got that. There is no trick to going along with the status quo and not rocking the boat. The trick is always to look at what we are doing today as if we were someplace in the future looking back and figure out what the oppressions and the injustices are that we are committing today and to get them out of our lives. You have to rock the boat if you want to make waves. And you have to be honest if you want change.” “Most people in this room understand that slavery is not over in America or the Western world or in the world in general. The animals are today’s slaves. And yet what little pittance do they want? They don’t want the right to vote, even though they probably could have done a better job than we did (audience laughs) and I don’t say that in a partisan way because I think ALL the parties are lousy to animals. But they don’t need the right to do anything except have our respect for them as other nations, for that is what they are. They are not objects, they are ANI-mal. They are life, they are like us, and the greatest respect for all we can afford them is just to leave them alone!!!”

“PETA is known for doing what, to some people, are very outrageous things.” (Quoting Dante Rossetti ‘If I make a spectacle, then people stare, and then I have their attention for my serious work.’) “So forgive us please for all the embarrassing stunts, the crazy antics and the stupid tricks, What we realize is that the press (God bless them) are like your cat. Speak seriously to them, they will pay you absolutely no mind . . . but if you wiggle your finger under the door, they know it is your finger but they have to come over and have a look. (audience laughs). So we know our work is a very serious issue-please don’t ever think that we don’t. But by using humor and by being provocative, we get thousands of people who would otherwise not give two hoots to come give a look . . .and for people who won’t look at the gore, cannot help but look at the gorgeous.”

“For (animals), Ground Zero is every single day. They are terrified, slaughtered and endangered every minute. Humans are their terrorists. This is about them but it is also about us. It is about whether our hearts are big enough to look after the least of them. That is why the animal rights movement is a movement we can be proud of(audience cheers)”

“It is our opposition who are the terrorists – every one of them (applause) Every single one of them who does not actively work for change in the way we treat animals in society is a terrorist. I have one more thing to say to them-remember this: Rights movements never go away. They always get stronger, they always attract more people, and there is no point whatsoever in wasting your time fighting them because we will grow, and we will win.”

A Word from Americans for Medical Progress / AMP News Service

In reporting in such detail and by portraying the activists attending the Animal Rights 2002 convention so often ‘in their own words,’ it is our intent to emphasize the complexity of the challenge posed by the animal rights movement to the biomedical research community.

The challenge is not simply a matter of an activist campaign against a single research institution, or a question of whether a facility has adequate security to withstand a physical attack, or whether there is a plan in place to deal with media at the next activist demonstration. Biomedical research as a whole is facing a well-financed, multi-faceted and sophisticated offensive designed to stop all use of laboratory animals in basic, disease and injury research, pharmaceutical R&D and safety testing.

As seen at the Animal Rights 2002 conference, activists are using a variety of tactics and approaches to achieve their goal. It is vital that we who support biomedical research work in close coordination to meet the activist challenge on each of its levels with strong and proactive initiatives of our own. Americans for Medical Progress is proud to be part of the broad coalition standing in support of biomedical research.

Brian Cass Awarded CBE

Huntingdon Life Sciences managing director Brian Cass has been appointed as a Commander in The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, the third-highest highest rank in the Order of the British Empire (and just shy of knighthood).

Cass was assaulted by violent animal rights thugs in 2001 and the award was seen by British commentators as a signal from the Labour government that it is serious about curtailing animal rights violence.

Along with Cass, a number of others in the pharmaceutical industry including Ian Pollock Sword, chairman of Inveresk Research, and GIll Samuels, of Pfizer, were appointed CBe.

Cass told The Times of London,

It [the award] is very special for me as an individual, but, much more importantly, there couldn’t be a clearer signal of support from the Government, and indeed from society for all those who are involved in research in this sector.

All our people share in this honour, as they have been so resolute in standing up to this pretty awful intimidation we have had to put up with for the past three or four years.

Richard Ley of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry agreed, telling The Times of London,

Brian deserves this award. It does send a very positive message to those who are involved in the research and development of medicines, and to those who conduct the animal experiments that are a vital part of that.

The BBC quoted an unnamed spokesperson for the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection criticizing the award,

I am appalled that in the face of growing public concern that the government has made this symbolic award. It shows the extent of HLS’s high-level support.

Greg Avery of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty said that,

It’s disgusting that someone who causes 500 animal deaths every single day should be awarded a CBE. ‘It casts a long shadow over people who have been awarded them for good reasons. It’s not Tony Blair’s voice we hear now but that of the global companies for whom he has become a mouthpiece.’

And, of course, there were politicians displaying the sort of “lets give in to the extremist” attitudes that are driving medical research out of Great Britain. Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrats’ Home Affairs spokesman, said of the award,

I’m very surprised. It’s a political statement by the Prime Minister to demonstrate his commitment to science, but it’s probably ill-judged and unduly provocative. Tony Blair is right to say we must support science but he must recognize that what’s been done at HLS is extremely controversial.

Yeah, do not do anything “unduly provocative” while animal rights extremists are busy assaulting pharmaceutical company employees and driving pharmaceutical companies to the United States and elsewhere. Just appease them and hope they’ll go away. Yeah, that’s a winning strategy.


CBE for animal test boss. Mark Milner, The Guardian (London), June 15, 2002.

Scientists praise CBE for battered boss of animal research labs. Mark Henderson, The Times (London), June 15, 2002.

Controversial lab director gets award. The BBC, June 15, 2002.

Head of animal research laboratory appointed CBE. Christopher Adams and Krishna Guha, The Financial Times (London), June 15, 2002.

Fury at CBE for Huntingdon boss. Lucy McDonald, ThisIsMoney.Com, June 16, 2002.

BUAV Release Video Purporting to Show Cruelty at Cambridge University Labs

The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection this month released videotaped footage purporting to show animal cruelty at a Cambridge University laboratory. The laboratory uses primates to carry out research into diseases such as Parkinson’s.

According to BUAV the video shows “horrific” procedures which the BBC summed up thusly,

BUAV said one of its investigators had secretly filmed monkey used in experiments for Parkinson’s Disease, stroke and fundamental research into brain function.

The pictures show animals that have had their skulls opened and their brains deliberately damaged, either by sucking out sections, cutting sections, or by injecting toxins.

BUAV claimed the monkeys suffered bleeding head wounds, fits, vomiting, severe bruising, whole-body tremors and mental and physical disabilities. It said the standard of care offered to the animals in these states was woeful.

For its part, Cambridge University launched an investigation of the allegations. It released a statement saying,

The university is taking this matter extremely seriously and has launched a full-sacle investigation into the claims made. These claims have very far-reaching implications and every possible effort is being made to establish the facts surrounding them.

Much of BUAV’s allegations seem to turn on whether or not what the primates experienced “moderate” or “substantial” suffering.” Regardless, like other animal rights investigations (including previous ones by BUAV) there was a glaring oddity in the release. Namely, BUAV claimed its operative conducted an investigation that last 10 months, but it released just a heavily-edited 21-minute videotape to highlight its allegations. Odd that with all of that time undercover, BUAV could only find 21 minutes worth of material to string together for its video.

It is certainly possible that Cambridge University’s primate facility has not been performing due diligence to met UK laws about animal cruelty, but a more likely explanation is that BUAV has released a selectively edited video to give this impression. Given BUAV’s habit of suppressing the results of investigations into animal cruelty that it does not approve of, the group does not have a lot of credibility.

It will be interesting to see how Cambridge’s investigation compares to the BUAV videotape.


Cambridge monkey experiments inquiry. The BBC, May 24, 2002.

University probe into monkey lab claims. The Cambridge News (UK), May 25, 2002.

'My Daughter Deserves the Chance to Live'

In a recent newsletter, Americans for Medical Progress pointed out a fascinating exchange of letters between an animal rights activist and the mother of a cystic fibrosis patient in the pages of New Scientist.

On March 23, 2002, Chris Nay of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection wrote a letter attacking a recent pro-animal research campaign by the Research Defence Society. That campaign featured 16-year-old Laura Cowell who suffers from cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic disease.

Nay’s attack is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. According to Nay,

. . . the RDS is not the first group to realise the potential of such a “campaign mascot” as an effective though predictable choice in their propaganda war. Indeed, such patronizing campaigns where patients are often portrayed as helpless victims eternally indebted to the tireless philanthropy of the pharmaceuticals industry are nothing new.

Given the propensity for the animal rights movement in general and BUAV in particular to substitute pictures of cute animals to hide their severely deficient critique of medical research, this is absurd.

Moreover the patronizing is done here by Nay. It would of course be better for his group if people whose life literally depends on animal research would just roll over and die without raising any sort of objection. Far from being a “helpless victim,” Cowell came across as a fighter who, unfortunately, has to contend not only with her deadly disease but with an animal rights movement that puts the lives of rats and mice on an equal moral plane with hers.

In fact, Nay is not afraid to put the mice and rats in a morally superior position to Cowell. After saying that he has “to questions the validity of” the claim that Cowell’s life has been extended due to animal research (of course he questions this, but never provides any evidence that it is an inaccurate claim), Nay launches into the heart of the animal rights argument,

The RDS claim that people benefit from vivisection. The BUAV believes people will benefit if vivisection is banned. Either way, it is indisputable that throughout history the oppressor has often benefited from the suffering and exploitation of the oppressed, sometimes substantially. The question the RDS seems unwilling or unable to address is whether it is ever morally acceptable for the strong to ameliorate their suffering by transferring it to the weak.

When Cowell seeks to prolong her life by supporting animal research, she is no different from 17th and 18th century colonialists and slave traders who oppressed others simply to benefit their own position.

Cowell, the cystic fibrosis sufferer, is the oppressor. The animals that have provided key insights into cystic fibrosis, the oppressed.

In a response to Nay, Laura Cowell’s mother Vicky, who chairs Seriously Ill for Medical Research, responded to Nay’s points, writing,

If the life of a child is not more valuable than that of a mouse then there is something very wrong with our society. It is because of ongoing research using transgenic mice with cystic fibrosis that the quality of life for thousands of people like Laura is improving. Scientists will one day find a cure for her condition. Surely she deserves the chance to live — and to live a full and productive life?

You bet she does.


Emotive campaign. Chris Nay, New Scientist, March 23, 2002.

My daughter deserves the chance to live. Vicky Cowell, New Scientist.