Universal Android Debloater is an open-source script designed to remove bloatware from Android phones. Unlike other solutions, this doesn’t require root access to the device, though this also means that some bloatware won’t be removable without that level of access.
The main goal is to improve battery performance and privacy by removing unnecessary and obscure system apps. This can also contribute to improve security by reducing the attack surface. The script has a menu that lets you choose what debloat list you want to use. I strongly encourage you to take a look at the lists because the default selection may not suit you. All packages are as well documented as possible in order to provide a better understanding of what you can delete or not.
This script should be safe with the default selection. The worse thing which could happen is preventing an essential system process to be loaded during boot causing then an unfortunate bootloop. If you used the non-root solution, after about 5 failed system boots, the phone will automatically reboot in recovery mode and you’ll have to perform a FACTORY RESET. So make a backup!
If you have a rooted device you can also physically delete the apks. Ironically this solution is safer because the script saves the apks before their removal. In case of bootloop you just need to run the script from a recovery with ADB support (e.g TWRP) and restore them.