Hannie Schaft–World War II Dutch Resistance Fighter

Jannetje Johanna Schaft was a Dutch resistance fighter during World War II who used the secret name of “Hannie” in the resistance movement.

According to Wikipedia,

Rather than act as a courier, Schaft wanted to work with weapons. She was responsible for sabotaging and assassinating various targets. She carried out attacks on Germans, Dutch Nazis, collaborators and traitors. She learned to speak German fluently and became involved with German soldiers.

She was eventually arrested while distributing copies of an illegal Communist newspaper, which was a cover story for Schaft to courier secret documents for the Resistance.

She was executed on April 17, 1945, just three weeks before the end of the war.

Two men took her there and one shot her at close range, only wounding her. She is said to have told her executioners: Ik schiet beter “I shoot better!”, after which the other man delivered the final shot.

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