Bitwarden Send Adds Secure Text/File Transmission to the Online Password Manager

Bitwarden has updated its online password manager to include transmitting text and files (100 MB upload limit) securely over the Internet.

Bitwarden Send empowers teams and individuals with a secure, simple way to share information directly with another person. Easily transmit text or files including passwords, billing credentials, or business documents fully encrypted. A Send object can be further protected with user-configured parameters, including:

A deletion date
An expiration date
A maximum access count
A password requirement
Option to disable

As with everything else Bitwarden does, files and text transmitted using Bitwarden Send are end-to-end encrypted and zero-knowledge (so Bitwarden does not have access to the content that is being sent and cannot decrypt or access the content).

Bitwarden posted a thorough explanation of how the Send service works.

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