The Belladonna: Daily Itinerary of the Killer in a Slasher Movie

Well done, although I can’t help but think that the modern slasher movie killer would use an app for that.

8:42 AM— Stayed out pretty late killing teenagers last night, so I let myself take the morning off and just laze around in bed.
9:26 AM— I finally get out of bed and make some food because my shift at Staples starts at 10. There’s not much in the house other than leftover heads from last week’s haul, but I manage to scrounge up some peanut butter. And coffee! Ugh, don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my coffee or I will kill you. Seriously. I’ll murder you.
9:51 AM— Almost forget to feed the cat!
10:05 AM— I’m late for my shift, but my manager, Robbie, doesn’t say anything. I think he’s afraid of me. You show up to work with blood under your fingernails ONCE and they never let you forget it.

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