American right wingers seem to be going down the route of African sorcery panics. This CNN description of a conspiracy theory tweeted out by Roseanne Barr is completely unhinged,
The theory, known as “The Storm,” is believed to have started after Trump cryptically remarked during a photo op with military leaders and their spouses before a White House dinner last October that reporters were seeing the “calm before the storm.” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to elaborate the next day on what the President meant.
“The Storm,” as Newsweek, Mediaite and others have explained, alleges that high-profile Democrats and other famous people are involved in child sex-trafficking rings, and that Trump is breaking them up and arresting those involved in their operation. The theory has been traced to the online message board 4Chan, where an anonymous user known as “QAnon,” or simply “Q,” has propagated the theory.