Ghana Politician: Albinos Are What Happens When Women Have Sex During Their Periods

As part of a radio program about discrimination faced by people with albinism, Hassan Ayariga of the All People’s Congress told the audience that,

I did some survey and I was told anybody can give birth to an albino, but the process is this way: ‘…If your wife is bleeding and in the process you are too hungry and you don’t want to wait until it’s over, and you decide to do the thing while she’s bleeding, in the process if she gets pregnant – you know some [women] can get pregnant even while bleeding – that is when that particular child [albino] is born.’ That’s what I’m told, because of the process of blood [flow]. So, if in that process it happens that there are some women who are too fertile even as they bleed, [then they can give birth to an albino].

Ghana is one of a number of African countries where albinos are discriminated against and occasionally killed due to widespread misunderstanding of the condition. You’d think someone who wants to be president of Ghana could take a few minutes out of his day to educate himself about albinism before spouting such nonsense.

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