Transparency International’s 2013 survey of global attitudes and experiences with corruption found that of 114,000 people surveyed 107 countries, 34 percent had been asked to pay a bribe by an official and 27 percent had actually paid a bribe in the 12 months prior to being surveyed.
The survey found that people wanted to fight such corruption, but often did not have faith in institutions that are generally thought of as fighting corruption,
The Global Corruption Barometer 2013 also found that in too many countries the institutions people rely on to fight corruption and other crime are themselves not trusted. 36 countries view police as the most corrupt, and in those countries an average of 53 per cent of people had been asked to pay a bribe to the police. 20 countries view the judiciary as the most corrupt, and in those countries an average of 30 per cent of the people who had come in contact with the judicial systems had been asked to pay a bribe.
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Around the world, people’s appraisal of their leaders’ efforts to stop corruption is worse than before the financial crisis began in 2008, when 31 per cent said their government’s efforts to fight corruption were effective. This year it fell to 22 per cent.
“Governments need to make sure that there are strong, independent and well-resourced institutions to prevent and redress corruption. Too many people are harmed when these core institutions and basic services are undermined by the scourge of corruption,” [Transparency International Chair Huguette] Labelle added.
I’ve created a table of the Transparency International data by country on percentage of individuals who were asked to pay a bribe by officials.
It looks like the link to the table is broken.