Using and WordPress for Lifestream

For the past couple years I’ve been using WordPress and a the FeedPress plugin to maintain my lifestream project — essentially an aggregation of everything I do, post or say online. Recently, however, I ditched FeedPress since it hasn’t been updated in more than 6 months and sometimes is less than stable, and decided instead to use If This, Then That to aggregate all my activities

Obviously you need an account. Then it is a matter of simply pointing your WordPress channel to whatever WordPress install you’re using for the lifestream aggregation.

Many of the tools I use and want to aggregate are already channels in, such as Google Reader, Last.FM, Facebook, Twitter, etc. For each of those services, it is fairly trivial to set up a Task in to take any post or mention on those services and automatically post that content to your WordPress install with appropriate tags and/or categories.

Many other services will have RSS feeds that can also easily republish any new content onto WordPress. For example, I do this with Goodreads so any book or review I add on that site automatically gets posted to my WordPress install. Using to republish RSS to WordPress is far more reliable than FeedPress was, so I’ve switched all those over.

What is frustrating, however, is the increasing number of services that have abandoned or never bothered to support RSS.

2 thoughts on “Using and WordPress for Lifestream”

  1. At around 19:58 CET this evening, five of Gaia’s eight thrusters will be commanded to fire an automated burn lasting almost two hours. It’s a critical manoeuvre meant to bring Gaia onto its planned operational orbit about the L2 Lagrange point (a second, smaller, burn on 14 January will complete the process).

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