Warman’s Lunch Boxes Field Guide

I think everyone who collects something inevitably reaches a point where crossing over into something will turn the hobby into an obsession. For me, that point  which I is lunchboxes. I actually own several superhero-themed lunch boxes (all purchased cheaply in supermarkets), but they sit tucked away in my basement as, frankly, they scare me a little bit. That’s just going a bit too far for my taste.

So sometimes I’m tempted to pick up a copy of Warman’s Lunch Boxes Field Guide, but I know the next step is bidding wars on eBay for that 1974 Planet of the Apes metal lunchbox that I sincerely believed made me the coolest kid evar in school. But $110 or so for a nostalgic lunch box? That way, my friend, lies madness.

Warman's Field Guide To Lunch Boxes

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