
A couple years ago I downloaded and tried the open source password manager KeePass, but ultimately passed on it in favor of RoboForm. The other day I decided to give it a second look since I needed something that was cross-platform.

After tinkering around with it for a few minutes I was sold. I can’t remember why I didn’t like it a couple years ago, but whatever it was they’ve certainly fixed it several times over.

What I especially like about KeePass is the cross platform nature of it. I’ve got it running on my Windows and Ubuntu PCs as well as my Blackberry. For the moment, I update my database on my home server and then upload it to an obscure directory on my dedicated web server. Then its just a matter of installing KeePass on any computer I want to use at downloading the database.

KeePass does a nice job of autotyping. Just put the cursor in the username field, press CTRL-ALT-A and it will find the correct password for the site in the database and fill in the username and password fields.

Someone has written a nice plugin for KeePass 2.x, which is still in Alpha, that will synchronize the database over the Internet (though its unclear if this will work with vanilla FTP/SFTP).

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