Jungle Disk 2.0

Jungle Disk recently announced its 2.0 release. If you’re looking for a secure, online data backup system, this is hands down the best consumer-level one. It is also the best for price/reliability, since it uses Amazon’s S3 storage which is 10 cents/gigabyte for data uploads and 15 cents/gigabyte/month for storage. There are cheaper options out there that will promise unlimited data backup for very small monthly charges, but their reliability and long-term fortunes are, at best, suspect.

With Amazon and Jungle Disk, the only thing limiting online backups is the anemic upstream bandwidth that most of us have (I feel lucky to have 2 megabits/second up). Even at 2mb/s, that’s a long time to upload the hundreds of gigs of data I need to back up.

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