
The other day I spent several hours looking at different notetaking/writing applications for my laptop. I wanted something that would let me take notes, jot down facts, and organize disparate information on a number of projects. I looked at a number of commercial products before revisiting the much improved wikidPad.

I remember using wikidPad a year or two ago and finding it interesting but ultimately still too rough around the edges. Boy have the developers improved this product in the past couple years.

As its website puts it,

wikidPad is a Wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo lists, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down.

What makes wikidPad different from other notepad applications is the ease with which you can cross-link your information.

I could go on and on about its features, but it’s free — if you’re interested in this application go download it yourself and give it a test drive.

4 thoughts on “wikidPad”

  1. I like wikidpad, but I can’t find how to insert text without wiki formatting.
    E.g: I’d like insert a response like this:

    | 5.1.30-community | 2009-01-27 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    if you paste into notepad it’s allineated, it’s ok, not in wikidpad, both in insert and in preview.

    Best regard


  2. I’ve tried but it doesn’t work. I’d like to find a wiki wysiwyg. I found it, is wikiwig but… it needs apache, mysql, php and there are problem solvable only by php programmer…

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