MSM Picks Up On James Watt Story

Over the past couple days I’ve talked to a couple reporters about the bogus James Watt quote, so there will probably be several stories on this in the mainstream media next week.

I also had a nice conversation with a member of Watt’s family. Apparently Watt has also been contacted by reporters and is being given the opportunity to rebut the bogus quote in the pages of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune which published Bill Moyers’ speech that widely distributed the quote (though, apparently Moyers has been using the bogus quote in his speeches for months — he really owes Watt an apology).

The interesting thing was that apparently Watt was pleasantly surprised that anyone would have the interest or integrity to go to the lengths that I and other bloggers did to try to determine if this quote was, in fact, bogus or not.

Hey, we might just be bloggers, but we’re no Bill Moyers.

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