Great Britain Bans Vlasak

Great Britain this week followed through on earlier threats by banning U.S. animal rights activist Jerry Vlasak from entering the country to speak at a UK animal rights meeting. The British government cited Vlasak’s statements that justify and encourage animal rights violence.

At Animal Rights 2003, Vlasak told attendees,

I don’t think you’d have to kill — assassinate — too many … I think for 5 lives, 10 lives, 15 human lives, we could save a million, 2 million, 10 million non-human lives.

This summer at Animal Rights 2004, Vlasak said,

It won’t ruin our movement if someone gets killed in an animal rights action. It’s going to happen sooner or later. The Animal Liberation Front, the Earth Liberation Front — sooner or later there’s going to be someone getting hurt. And we have to accept that fact. It’s going to happen. It’s not going to hurt our movement. Our movement will go on.

In an episode of Penn & Teller’s Showtime show Bullsh*t! broadcast in April 2004, Vlasak said,

If someone is killing, on a regular basis, thousands of animals, and if that person can only be stopped in one way by the use of violence, then it is certainly a morally justifiable solution.

In July, Vlasak told British newspaper The Observer,

I think violence is part of the struggle against oppression. If something bad happens to these people [animal researchers], it will discourage others. It is inevitable that violence will be used in the struggle and that it will be effective

The British government also forbid Vlasak’s animal rights activist wife, Pamelyn, from entering the country. In both cases, the Home Office said that allowing the animal rights activists to enter Great Britain would not be “conducive to the public good.”

Vlasak plans to give his speech via videoconference.


Blunkett bars US animal rights activist from Britain. Colin Blackstock, The Guardian, August 26, 2004.

Kill scientists, says animal rights chief. Jamie Doward, The Observer, July 25, 2004.

Britain bans U.S. doctor over animal rights views. Reuters, August 26, 2004.

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